Addictions Counselor

ONET: 21-1011.00






On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
  • Drugs, Behavior & Health
  • Intro to Counseling
  • Group Procedures in Guidance and Counseling
  • Foundations of Chemical Dependency Counseling
  • Counseling Strategies for Preventing Chemical Dependency
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Dependency
On-the-job training
  • Domain I: Screening, Assessment, and Engagement
    • Task 1: Demonstrate verbal and non‐verbal communication to establish rapport and promote engagement
    • Task 2: Discuss with the client the rationale, purpose, and procedures associated with the screening and assessment process to facilitate client understanding and cooperation.
    • Task 3: Assess client’s immediate needs by evaluating observed behavior and other relevant information including signs and symptoms of intoxication and withdrawal.
    • Task 4: Administer appropriate evidence‐based screening and assessment instruments specific to clients to determine their strengths and needs.
    • Task 5: Obtain relevant history and related information from the client and other pertinent sources to establish eligibility and appropriateness of services.
    • Task 6: Screen for physical needs, medical conditions, and co‐occurring mental health disorders that might require additional assessment and referral.
    • Task 7: Interpret results of screening and assessment and integrate all available information to formulate diagnostic impression and determine an appropriate course of action.
  • Domain II: Treatment, Planning Collaboration and Referral
    • Task 1: Formulate and discuss diagnostic assessment and recommendations with the client and concerned others to initiate an individualized treatment plan that incorporates client’s strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.
    • Task 2: Use ongoing assessment and collaboration with the client and concerned others to review and modify the treatment plan to address treatment needs.
    • Task 3: Match client needs with community resources to facilitate positive client outcomes.
    • Task 4: Discuss rationale for a referral with the client.
    • Task 5: Communicate with community resources regarding needs of the client.
    • Task 6: Advocate for the client in areas of identified needs to facilitate continuity of care.
    • Task 7: Evaluate the effectiveness of case management activities to ensure quality service coordination.
    • Task 8: Develop a plan with the client to strengthen ongoing recovery outside of primary treatment.
    • Task 9: Document treatment progress, outcomes, and continuing care plans.
    • Task 10: Utilize multiple pathways of recovery in treatment planning and referral.
  • Domain III: Counseling
    • Task 1: Develop a therapeutic relationship with clients, families, and concerned others to facilitate transition into the recovery process.
    • Task 2: Provide information to the client regarding the structure, expectations, and purpose of the counseling process.
    • Task 3: Continually evaluate the client’s safety, relapse potential, and the need for crisis intervention.
    • Task 4: Apply evidence‐based, culturally competent counseling strategies and modalities to facilitate progress towards completion of treatment objectives.
    • Task 5: Assist families and concerned others in understanding substance use disorders and engage them in the recovery process.
    • Task 6: Document counseling activity and progress towards treatment goals and objectives.
    • Task 7: Provide information on issues of identity, ethnic background, age, sexual orientation, and gender as it relates to substance use, prevention and recovery.
    • Task 8: Provide information about the disease of addiction and the related health and psychosocial consequences.
  • Domain IV: Professional and Ethical Responsibilities
    • Task 1: Adhere to established professional codes of ethics and standards of practice to uphold client rights while promoting best interests of the client and profession.
    • Task 2: Recognize diversity and client demographics, culture and other factors influencing behavior to provide services that are sensitive to the uniqueness of the individual.
    • Task 3: Continue professional development through education, self‐evaluation, clinical supervision, and consultation to maintain competence and enhance professional effectiveness.
    • Task 4: Identify and evaluate client needs that are outside of the counselor's ethical scope of practice and refer to other professionals as appropriate.
    • Task 5: Uphold client's rights to privacy and confidentiality according to best practices in preparation and handling of records.
    • Task 6: Obtain written consent to release information from the client and/or legal guardian, according to best practices.
    • Task 7: Prepare concise, clinically accurate, and objective reports and records.
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