Demonstrates an understanding of students as learners as well as people
Demonstrates strategies to create and sustain a comfortable and safe environment for learning (Marzano, Dimension 1)
Utilizes reflective practice appropriately in delivery of topics
Define the nature of teaching as it relates to the heart and integrity of teachers and how that informs their work with students.
Learning Environment
Demonstrate with examples best practices in teaching
Demonstrates various engagement strategies: ice breakers, group work, presentations
Demonstrates that “collaboration is the stuff of growth” (Robinson) and utilized that knowledge to create a safe and supportive environment for group work and discussions to take place in the classroom.
Demonstrates the five major Philosophies of Education
Applies Constructivism as a Theory of Learning
Applies Summative and Formative Assessment practices appropriately and effectively
Employs reflective practice
Utilizes and consistently demonstrates The Nature of Teaching – heart and integrity
Development of a Teacher Platform
Development of a major unit using all five dimensions of Learning. Utilizes Robert Marzano’s 5 Dimensions of Learning in classroom practice
Foundations of Literacy
Demonstrates Reading as a message getting/problem solving activity
Demonstrates the K-12 Continuum of Literacy Development
Demonstrates Guided Reading approaches – all levels
Demonstrates “Close” Reading strategies
Demonstrates whole to part approaches to reading instruction
Demonstrates and practices Assessment for all levels: Concepts About Print, Running Records, Informal Reading Inventories, Observation and note taking
Demonstrates the importance of Vocabulary instruction, Effective Reading of Texts, and Study Skills
Utilizes Case studies – to exercise best instructional practices with analysis
Teaching Exceptional Learners
Demonstrates the IDEA Principles and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Demonstrates and understanding of FERPA and FAPE
Demonstrates an understanding of The Special Education referral process – testing and identification
Demonstrates an understanding of The Continuum of Special Education Services: - Create and practice the development of an IEP; - Demonstrates the differences between a disability and a disorder; - Defines and exhibits modifications and accommodations for students with special needs; - Applies the concept of Mindfulness in the classroom; - Define and demonstrate the knowledge of autism, ADHD, Emotional Behavior Disorders, TBI, Communication Disorders; - Demonstrates communication and identification of the role of family and larger community in the Special Education process in order to of appropriate programming. (birth to school age)
Equity and Diversity
Develop and define instruction to address culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds of students
Establish and demonstrate gender equity in the classroom
Develop lesson plans using relevant case studies, to address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students
Describes that assessment drives curriculum and instruction
Explains the use of both formative and summative assessment strategies (Assessment OF and Assessment FOR learning, Stiggins)
Develop various assessments in reading: Concepts About Print, Running Records, and Informal Reading Inventories
Demonstrates the various assessments that are used in the referral process in Special Education
Demonstrates the use of Behavior Rating Scales in special education
Professional Practice
Participates in weekly team meetings.
Engages in reflective practice with content level, grade; Level teammates
Engages in database decision making to review student progress
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