Educational Technician II

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 25-9042.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Student Success
  • English Composition
  • Intro to Literature
  • Foundations of Math for Teachers I
  • Foundations of Math for Teachers II
  • Oral Communications
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Introduction to Teaching
  • Introduction to American Education
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Foundations of Literacy
  • Teaching Exceptional Learners
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Capstone
On-the-job Training
  • Knowledge of Student Learners
    • Demonstrates an understanding of students as learners as well as people
    • Demonstrates strategies to create and sustain a comfortable and safe environment for learning (Marzano, Dimension 1)
    • Utilizes reflective practice appropriately in delivery of topics
    • Define the nature of teaching as it relates to the heart and integrity of teachers and how that informs their work with students.
  • Learning Environment
    • Demonstrate with examples best practices in teaching
    • Demonstrates various engagement strategies: ice breakers, group work, presentations
    • Demonstrates that “collaboration is the stuff of growth” (Robinson) and utilized that knowledge to create a safe and supportive environment for group work and discussions to take place in the classroom.
  • Curriculum
    • Demonstrates the five major Philosophies of Education
    • Applies Constructivism as a Theory of Learning
    • Applies Summative and Formative Assessment practices appropriately and effectively
    • Employs reflective practice
    • Utilizes and consistently demonstrates The Nature of Teaching – heart and integrity
    • Development of a Teacher Platform
    • Development of a major unit using all five dimensions of Learning. Utilizes Robert Marzano’s 5 Dimensions of Learning in classroom practice
  • Foundations of Literacy
    • Demonstrates Reading as a message getting/problem solving activity
    • Demonstrates the K-12 Continuum of Literacy Development
    • Demonstrates Guided Reading approaches – all levels
    • Demonstrates “Close” Reading strategies
    • Demonstrates whole to part approaches to reading instruction
    • Demonstrates and practices Assessment for all levels: Concepts About Print, Running Records, Informal Reading Inventories, Observation and note taking
    • Demonstrates the importance of Vocabulary instruction, Effective Reading of Texts, and Study Skills
    • Utilizes Case studies – to exercise best instructional practices with analysis
  • Teaching Exceptional Learners
    • Demonstrates the IDEA Principles and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    • Demonstrates and understanding of FERPA and FAPE
    • Demonstrates an understanding of The Special Education referral process – testing and identification
    • Demonstrates an understanding of The Continuum of Special Education Services: - Create and practice the development of an IEP; - Demonstrates the differences between a disability and a disorder; - Defines and exhibits modifications and accommodations for students with special needs; - Applies the concept of Mindfulness in the classroom; - Define and demonstrate the knowledge of autism, ADHD, Emotional Behavior Disorders, TBI, Communication Disorders; - Demonstrates communication and identification of the role of family and larger community in the Special Education process in order to of appropriate programming. (birth to school age)
  • Equity and Diversity
    • Develop and define instruction to address culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds of students
    • Establish and demonstrate gender equity in the classroom
    • Develop lesson plans using relevant case studies, to address the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students
  • Assessment
    • Describes that assessment drives curriculum and instruction
    • Explains the use of both formative and summative assessment strategies (Assessment OF and Assessment FOR learning, Stiggins)
    • Develop various assessments in reading: Concepts About Print, Running Records, and Informal Reading Inventories
    • Demonstrates the various assessments that are used in the referral process in Special Education
    • Demonstrates the use of Behavior Rating Scales in special education
  • Professional Practice
    • Participates in weekly team meetings.
    • Engages in reflective practice with content level, grade; Level teammates
    • Engages in database decision making to review student progress
Headquarters Location:
Gorham, ME (04038)
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