Lead Person Rental (Local III)


On-the-job training
  • Team Teaching
    • Mentor a Think Big or HTAP student following the Hawthorne Mentor Plan
    • Review survey results from team teaching event with manager
    • Perform skills assessments for Hawthorne employees
    • Review feedback from mentees with manager
  • Supervisor Support
    • Fill in for supervisor during leaves of absence
    • Competent in all core courses - ability to become a service manager
    • Values and ability to work with others
  • HVAC Skills
    • HANDS ON HVAC component Identification.
    • Proper Manifold Gauge set up and usage.
    • HANDS ON Reclaiming Refrigerant.
    • Proper T/S Repair for HVAC system.
    • Acquire 608 Certification for HVAC Mobile
    • Correct performance testing of an air conditioning system.
    • Proper method of checking cab seal.
    • Proper leak testing of an air conditioning system.
    • Efficiently diagnose and repair any CAT airconditioning system
    • Evaluation of tool usage for individualized components (i.e. "All-in-One" units, field kits, etc.)
    • Mentor lower level techs on all aspects of HVAC systems.
  • Core Skills
    • HANDS ON Caterpillar ET usage
    • Ability to retrieve active and logged fault codes with ET/data logs
    • Ability to use torquewrench (mechanical)
    • Ability to identify and use basic hand tools
    • Ability to aid higher level techs on jobs
    • Ability to retrieve flash file intergration through SIS2
    • Proficiency in using Caterpillar service literature, including service magazines, TIB’s, service letters, TMIWeb, SIMS
    • Ability to obtain oil samples out of all systems
    • Ability to use a battery cart and tester
    • CAT Re-usability guidelines - acces review understand demonstrate
    • Able to maintain evidence integrity for failure analysis.
    • Fundamentals of Failure Analysis
    • Properly prevent fluid contamination during D&A.
    • Proper testing of a complete cooling system and its components.
    • Ability to use hydraulic press
    • Ability to use precision tools
    • Ability to use thread gauge
    • Ability to use bench grinders
    • Ability to use cribbing/blocking
    • Ability to use torque multiplier
    • Correct bolt application
    • Ability to identify different types of failures outlined in AFA fundamentals materials.
    • Intro to AFA Management
    • Intro to AFA Metallurgy
    • Ability to use acetylene torches & Plasma Cutter
    • Cat reusability guidelines training - by Cat
    • Ability to mentor a lower level techs on fundamentals of failure analysis in real world repairs.
    • Ability to identify failures that need to progress to higher level analysis. Able to lay out component for review by TC/Tech 3.
    • Identify root cause on every job given and utilize as teaching tool for lower level techs when deemed necessary.
    • analyze, understand, and make recommendations based on oil sample results.
    • Ability to utilze PSRPT to identify a root cause of failure.
    • Ability to use a lance
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on Torque Multiplier usage.
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use hydraulic press
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use precision tools
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use thread gauge
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use acetylene torches
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use bench grinders
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use cribbing/blocking
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use torque multiplier
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how to use battery cart
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on how correct bolt application
    • Check and adjust radial alignment (As required) - drivelines
    • Set TTT bevel gear and pinion nearing preload adjustments
    • Evaluate WL/ MG/ ADT articulation joint wear
    • Evaluate HEX swing bearing wear
    • Utilize reusability guidelines to make accurate determination as to whether part will go additional lifecycle w/o assitance from higher level tech.
    • DSN advocate - Capable of filling out a DSN submission and requesting it electronically to technical communicator.
    • sucessfully mentored 4 technicians (in cat: 1 & 2)
    • Ability to perform and present a formal failure analysis to a TC in a completed manner that would be ready to be presented to customer/Cat.
  • Technology
    • Product Link Basics
    • Ability to Locate, download & Upload software to ECM
    • Ability to install, flash and intergrate Product Network managers
    • Demonstrate ability to use Electronic Technician, Plus 1, DUETZ Serdia, JLG Analyzer, Perkins.
    • Capacity to demonstrate adjustability of all operational parameters of ecm that will affect Performance of equipment and understand what they mean.
    • How to copy and upload a config file to a recently flashed ECM from original.
    • Usign diagnostic test (injector cutout).
    • Access to factory password to clear hard fault codes.
    • Config file - how to locate config file in TMI when an ECM has completely failed.
    • Capable of remote flashing/troubleshoot thru ET.
    • Ability to read and decipher data logs taken from ET
    • Capable of taking a Z-Snap for grade control
    • Ability to perform Caterpillar 2D measure ups and diagnostics
  • Drive Train
    • HANDS ON Component identification Basic Drivetrain
    • Proper transmission removal/tear down/ reseal assistance
    • Assisting on "WET" Brake sytem
    • Reasealing Transmission Leaks
    • T/S Hydraulic brake system
    • Brake retarder system Theory & Repair
    • Ability to explain Drivetrain Fundamentals including torque converter, transmission, driveline, and axles
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a powershift transmission.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a transmission oil pump.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a transmission control valve.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a planetary group.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a differential.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within a countershaft transmission.
    • Proper working knowledge of parts contained within an axle.
    • Proper testing and adjusting of transmission, steering, and brakes, and evaluation of wear.
    • Correct measurement of torque converter stall speed.
    • Proper testing and adjusting of steering and brake pressure.
    • Proper adjustment of bearing clearance on transfer gears
    • Correct adjustment of a bevel gear/pinion
    • Correct procedure of a pump isolation test on an HYSTAT System
    • Correct procedure of a performance test on an HYSTAT System
    • Correct procedure of differential steering diagnostic instrument tests.
    • Be able to rebuild
    • Reuse and salvage
    • Proper setup
    • Ability to properly troubleshoot overheating complaints.
    • Correct testing and adjusting of a powershift transmission.
    • Correct testing and adjusting of an ICM transmission.
    • Correct testing of transmission solenoid valves
    • Pressure test a BHL transmission
    • Correct testing and adjusting of a countershaft transmission.
    • Perform Technical Analysis and make pwr train repair recommendations on an CAT product normally found in area
    • Disassemble, evaluate and reassemble any CAT transmission or hydraulic control valve
    • Troubleshoot and repair rotary transmission switches using appropriate diagnostic tooling
    • Test ICM transmission controls using the electronic switching control
    • Proficiently rebuild and teach
    • t/s in field
    • dynamic setup (i.e. adjustments in valves/linkages)
  • Electrical
    • HANDS ON Proper use of a digital multimeter in testing electrical circuits
    • HANDS ON Proper use of the clamp-on ammeter in testing electrical circuits
    • HANDS ON Proper testing of starting and charging system on a machine.
    • HANDS ON Ability to read and interpret wiring diagrams and schematics
    • Proper Troubleshooting Procedures and Theory
    • How to load test a battery and why.
    • Understanding of what is hot and should be avoided on machines that develop more than 50v (AC or DC)
    • Able to understand test points and be able to measure and verify test points for safety.
    • Troubleshoot and repair neutral/start circuits/controls
    • Troubleshoot and repair switches, senders, and sensors in electronic control units (analog, frequency, digital + PWM)
    • Ability to repair a defective harness connection.
    • Building a simple wiring harness according to wiring diagram.
    • Able to do a mark up of electrical drawing.
    • 28739 - Electrical / Electronics Certification Assessment
    • Troubleshoot and repair all electrical systems.
    • Building a complex wiring harness (design/build) & developing schematic based on same.
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on advanced electrical systems.
    • Ability to diagnose Ethernet systems
    • Ability to diagnose camera systems
    • Aid lower techs in all aspects of Electrical Diagnostics
  • Undercarriage
    • HANDS ON Component Identification
    • Proper Undercarriage roller inspection and replacement assistance
    • Proper Undercarriage link/track repair assistance
    • Proper Undercarriage removal,installation, and adjustment methods
    • Proper removal and installation of track shoes
    • With supervision, evaluate equalizer bar for wear
    • Proper removal and installation of press fit sprocket on track machines
    • Proper replacement of rollers/idlers
    • Track rebuild/ link turns/oiling pins**
    • Safely oversee replacement or repair of any track system across common caterpilar model lines.
    • Ablility to recognize worn out parts/components in relation to undercarriage
    • Correct evaluation of an equalizer bar for wear
    • Being able to replace any item of undercarraige w/o utility shop oversight.
    • Able to measure wearable items in undercarraige.
    • Safely oversee replacement or repair of any track system across all caterpilar model lines.
    • Perform CTS on undercarriage
  • Hydraulics
    • HANDS ON Ability to explain Hydraulic Fundamentals including pumps, motors, valves, cylinders and fluid lines & QUIZ
    • Proper disassembly and assembly of a hydraulic cylinder.
    • Ability to use hydraulic schematics for minor repairs
    • Ability to read and interpret hydraulic circuit schematics and orthographic drawings
    • Proper testing and adjusting of hydraulic system pressures.
    • Proper performance of hydraulic cylinder drift rate test.
    • Correct measurement of cycle times on a hydraulic system.
    • Correct testing of hydraulic cylinder end relief valves.
    • Proper performance of case drain test on a piston pump.
    • Correct testing and adjusting pump signal pressures on a hydraulic excavator.
    • Correct testing and adjusting flow rate on a piston pump.
    • Correct testing and adjusting drive pump charge pressure.
    • Correct testing and adjusting main relief valve pressure
    • Correct testing of hydraulic system solenoid valves.
    • Understanding and able to use a kidney loop system.
    • Proper disassembly and assembly of hydraulic components (I.e pumps, motors, valves)
    • Working knowledge of troubleshooting, performance evaluation, and systems operation of hydraulic hammers
    • Proper connection of a hydraulic flow meter and reading results.
    • Being able to correctly designed custom hoses.
    • Knowledge in of a load sensing, pressure compensated (LSPC), and Priority/Proportional/Pressure Compensated (PPPC) hydraulic systems and negative flow system.
    • Reading and understanding of particle analyzer results
    • Ability to properly troubleshoot overheating complaints.
    • Proficiency in negative Flow Theory & Systems
    • Proficiency in troubleshooting of a load sensing, pressure compensated (LSPC), and Priority/Proportional/Pressure Compensated (PPPC) hydraulic systems.
    • Ability to determine flow rates for various compenets and how they would work in a self designed system
    • How to design & build a hydraulic hose system.
    • How to construct a flow diagram/schematic of a custom built system.
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on advanced hydraulic systems.
    • Ability to analzye your own samples wihtin particle analzyer.
  • Engine
    • HANDS ON Ability to explain Engine Fundamentals and components of the core engine/ QUIZ
    • Ability to explain Emission Systems Fundamentals and components
    • Proper timing of a mechanical fuel injection pump.
    • Proper removal and installation of sensors.
    • Ability to differenciate smoke colors and their meaning.
    • Correct setting of injector height adjustment on EUI engine.
    • Assist with install engine cylinder head assembly
    • Proper method and procedure to adjust valve / injector clearance
    • Diagnosis of Engine Cooling System - Move to Tech I
    • Assist disassembly and assembly of a basic engine.
    • Assist in measurement of liner protrusion.
    • Assist in measurement of rod and main bearing clearance.
    • Assist in removal and installation of crankshaft seal and wear ring.
    • Understand the need of the 6V9130 temperature adapter group
    • Evaluate cylinder condition using the 1P5564 Cylinder Leakage Group or equivalent
    • Correct use of CAT Fuel injection timing indicator
    • Explain the effects of fuel system adjustments on performance and fuel economy
    • Knowledge of proper timing of a mechanical fuel systems.
    • Proper method and procedure to install engine cylinder head assembly
    • Proper disassembly and assembly of a basic engine.
    • Correct measurement of liner protrusion.
    • Correct measurement of rod and main bearing clearance.
    • Proper removal and installation of crankshaft seal and wear ring.
    • Measure fuel consumption using a fuel flow meter
    • Check and adjust fuel rack synchronization and injector timing on 3500 series (or other large bore) engines (HPS)
    • Check aftercooler for proper operation
    • Measure and evaluate cylinder block for reusability
    • Evaluate and repair any Caterpillar engines with a low power complaint
    • Ability to properly troubleshoot fuel dilution complaints.
    • Ability to properly troubleshoot coolant loss complaints.
    • Ability to properly troubleshoot overheating complaints.
    • Engine Blowby Meter
    • Disassembly and assembly of a basic engine.
    • Perform component failure analysis
    • Proficiency in troubleshooting of electronic engine systems.
    • Ability to mentor lower level techs on disassembly and assembly of any basic Cat engine.
  • Aftertreatment
    • Proper method of checking air intake system for leaks.
    • Proper testing of a complete cooling system and its components.
    • DEF system cleaning/ testing DEF Concetration
    • Tier 4 final SCR/ET intergration
    • Tier 4 final Diagnostic Testing
    • Ability to succesfully troubleshoot aftertreatment EGR, DPF, ARD heads, DEF issues,
    • Ability to identify upstream issues causing downstream issues (i.e. ECM control inputs, etc)
    • Help tech 1s diagnose problems w/ aftertreatment
    • Installation, troubleshoot, repair of DCU aftertreatment systems.
    • DPSS access to DSN tickets
    • Help tech 2s diagnose problems w/ aftertreatment
  • Implements
    • Ability to ID worn components
    • Ability to adjust a motor grader circle
    • Ability to adjust backhoe e-stick
    • Ability to ID, shim, and adjust hinge/pivot points
    • Ability to replace hammer points/moils
    • Ability to test nitrogen charge
    • Ability to rebuild attachments (brooms, trenchers, auger gear motors, etc.)
    • Ability to test diaphragm in hammers
  • Allied Equipment
    • Ability to build water pump hoses and air compressor hoses
    • Ability to adjust trailer/equipment brakes and wheel bearings
    • Ability to repair trailer wiring systems
    • Ability to test and adjust water pumps
    • Ability to tune-up and rebuild carburetor
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Hilo, HI (96721)
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