Auto Mechanic

ONET: 49-3023.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Introduction to Automotive Technology
  • Automotive Service
  • Automotive Brake Systems
  • Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems
  • Automotive Electrical Systems
  • Automotive Climate Control Systems
  • Automotive Electrical Diagnosis and Repair
  • Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I
  • Automotive Drive Train and Axles
  • Automotive Engine Removal and Installation
  • Automotive Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
  • Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II
  • Cooperative Education-Automobile / Automotive Mechanics Technology / Technician
On-the-job training
  • Operate transportation equipment to demonstrate function or malfunction.
    • Test drive vehicles and test components and systems, using equipment such as infrared engine analyzers, compression gauges, and computerized diagnostic devices.
  • Adjust equipment to ensure optimal performance.
    • Test and adjust repaired systems to meet manufacturers' performance specifications.
  • Inspect vehicles to determine overall condition.
    • Inspect vehicles for damage and record findings so that necessary repairs can be made.
  • Record information about parts, materials or repair procedures.
    • Inspect vehicles for damage and record findings so that necessary repairs can be made.
  • Test mechanical systems to ensure proper functioning.
    • Test and adjust repaired systems to meet manufacturers' performance specifications.
  • Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
    • Repair, reline, replace, and adjust brakes.
    • Repair, replace, or adjust defective fuel injectors, carburetor parts, and gasoline filters.
    • Overhaul or replace carburetors, blowers, generators, distributors, starters, and pumps.
    • Repair or replace parts such as pistons, rods, gears, valves, and bearings.
    • Repair or rebuild transmissions.
  • Adjust vehicle components according to specifications.
    • Repair, reline, replace, and adjust brakes.
    • Tune automobile engines to ensure proper and efficient functioning.
    • Repair, replace, or adjust defective fuel injectors, carburetor parts, and gasoline filters.
    • Install, adjust, or repair hydraulic or electromagnetic automatic lift mechanisms used to raise and lower automobile windows, seats, and tops.
  • Repair non-engine automotive or vehicle components.
    • Repair, reline, replace, and adjust brakes.
    • Tear down, repair, and rebuild faulty assemblies, such as power systems, steering systems, and linkages.
    • Repair or replace parts such as pistons, rods, gears, valves, and bearings.
    • Install, adjust, or repair hydraulic or electromagnetic automatic lift mechanisms used to raise and lower automobile windows, seats, and tops.
  • Confer with coworkers to coordinate work activities.
    • Review work orders and discuss work with supervisors.
  • Estimate costs for labor or materials.
    • Estimate costs of vehicle repair.
  • Read work orders or descriptions of problems to determine repairs or modifications needed.
    • Review work orders and discuss work with supervisors.
  • Troubleshoot equipment or systems operation problems.
    • Troubleshoot fuel, ignition, and emissions control systems, using electronic testing equipment.
  • Confer with customers or users to assess problems.
    • Confer with customers to obtain descriptions of vehicle problems and to discuss work to be performed and future repair requirements.
  • Align equipment or machinery.
    • Align vehicles' front ends.
    • Align wheels, axles, frames, torsion bars, and steering mechanisms of automobiles, using special alignment equipment and wheel-balancing machines.
  • Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
    • Tear down, repair, and rebuild faulty assemblies, such as power systems, steering systems, and linkages.
    • Disassemble units and inspect parts for wear, using micrometers, calipers, and gauges.
  • Reassemble equipment after repair.
    • Tear down, repair, and rebuild faulty assemblies, such as power systems, steering systems, and linkages.
  • Test electrical circuits or components for proper functioning.
    • Test electronic computer components in automobiles to ensure proper operation.
  • Clean work areas.
    • Maintain cleanliness of work area.
  • Inspect mechanical components of vehicles to identify problems.
    • Follow checklists to ensure all important parts are examined, including belts, hoses, steering systems, spark plugs, brake and fuel systems, wheel bearings, and other potentially troublesome areas
  • Plan work procedures.
    • Plan work procedures, using charts, technical manuals, and experience.
  • Service vehicles to maintain functionality.
    • Perform routine and scheduled maintenance services, such as oil changes, lubrications, and tune-ups.
  • Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
    • Repair and service air conditioning, heating, engine cooling, and electrical systems.
    • Overhaul or replace carburetors, blowers, generators, distributors, starters, and pumps.
    • Repair or rebuild transmissions.
  • Disassemble equipment to inspect for deficiencies.
    • Disassemble units and inspect parts for wear, using micrometers, calipers, and gauges.
  • Repair defective engines or engine components.
    • Repair, replace, or adjust defective fuel injectors, carburetor parts, and gasoline filters.
  • Service heating, ventilation or air-conditioning (HVAC) systems or components.
    • Repair and service air conditioning, heating, engine cooling, and electrical systems.
  • Service green vehicles to make repairs or maintain good working order.
    • Change spark plugs, fuel filters, air filters, and batteries in hybrid electric vehicles.
    • Diagnose and replace or repair engine management systems or related sensors for flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) with ignition timing, fuel rate, alcohol concentration, or air-to-fuel ratio malfunctions.
  • Rebuild parts or components.
    • Rebuild parts, such as crankshafts and cylinder blocks.
  • Inspect gas systems or components to identify leaks or other potential hazards.
    • Conduct visual inspections of compressed natural gas fuel systems to identify cracks, gouges, abrasions, discoloration, broken fibers, loose brackets, damaged gaskets, or other problems.
  • Rewire electrical or electronic systems.
    • Rewire ignition systems, lights, and instrument panels.
  • Install vehicle parts or accessories.
    • Install, adjust, or repair hydraulic or electromagnetic automatic lift mechanisms used to raise and lower automobile windows, seats, and tops.
    • Retrofit vehicle fuel systems with aftermarket products, such as vapor transfer devices, evaporation control devices, swirlers, lean burn devices, and friction reduction devices, to enhance combustion and fuel efficiency.
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