Acting Officer will demonstrate support of departments Mission Statement and adhere to the policies, procedures and guideline of the department.
Acting Officers will have an adequate knowledge of safety skills and procedures that support the technical competency for a Fire Officer.
Acting Officer will safely and effectively lead their crews in all fire Department activates.
Acting Officers will ensure readiness of their crews.
Acting Officers will direct, guide and develop firefighters under their supervision.
Acting Officers will be expected to know and follow the chain of command.
Acting Officers will see that all daily duties are preformed correctly and to the standards of the department.
Acting Officers will ensure all personal are safe and effective at all department incidents.
Acting Officer will communicate in a manner that uphold dignity, respect and integrity to all.
Acting Officer will be responsible in all official communication format, email, text and verbal to conduct appropriated communication.
Acting Officers will be proficient in operating all department communication devises: computers, radios and any other technology.
Emergency Response
As the first arriving Company Officer, make and transmit a preliminary size-up and direct resource utilization. Initiate the Incident Command system. Direct initial attack and assume the role of Incident Commander until command is properly transferred.
Ensure that all department safety standards are observed.
Maintain an in-depth knowledge of your first-due response area.
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