Test electrical circuits or components for continuity, using electrical test equipment
Repair or replace defective equipment, components, or wiring
Install or repair air purification systems, such as specialized filters or ultraviolet (UV) light purification systems
Install or repair self-contained ground source heat pumps or hybrid ground or air source heat pumps to minimize carbon-based energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions
Repair or service heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to improve efficiency, such as by changing filters, cleaning ducts, and refilling non-toxic refrigerants
Repair or replace defective equipment, components, or wiring
Perform mechanical overhauls and refrigerant reclaiming
Discuss heating or cooling system malfunctions with users to isolate problems or to verify that repairs corrected malfunctions
Connect heating or air conditioning equipment to fuel, water, or refrigerant source to form complete circuit
Install, connect, or adjust thermostats, humidistats, or timers
Install auxiliary components to heating or cooling equipment, such as expansion or discharge valves, air ducts, pipes, blowers, dampers, flues, or stokers
Install dehumidifiers or related equipment for spaces that require cool, dry air to operate efficiently, such as computer rooms
Mount compressor, condenser, and other components in specified locations on frames, using hand tools and acetylene welding equipment
Adjust system controls to settings recommended by manufacturer to balance system
Comply with all applicable standards, policies, or procedures, such as safety procedures or the maintenance of a clean work area
Study blueprints, design specifications, or manufacturers recommendations to ascertain the configuration of heating or cooling equipment components and to ensure the proper installation of components.
Braze or solder parts to repair defective joints and leaks.
Lay out and connect electrical wiring between controls and equipment, according to wiring diagrams, using electrician hand tools.
Record and report time, materials, faults, deficiencies, or other unusual occurrences on work orders.
Inspect and test systems to verify system compliance with plans and specifications or to detect and locate malfunctions.
Install expansion and control valves, using acetylene torches and wrenches
Recommend, develop, or perform preventive or general maintenance procedures, such as cleaning, power-washing, or vacuuming equipment, oiling parts, or changing filters
Cut or drill holes in floors, walls, or roof to install equipment, using power saws or drills
Measure, cut, thread, or bend pipe or tubing, using pipefitter tools
Keep records of repairs and replacements made and causes of malfunctions
Estimate, order, pick up, deliver, and install materials and supplies needed to maintain equipment in good working condition
Supervise and instruct assistants
Lift and align components into position, using hoist or block and tackle
Test pipes, lines, components, and connections for leaks
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