VMWare/Cloud technologies - 1. Installing/Configuring: a. ESXi, b. VCenter, c. iSCSI; 2. Creating VMs: a. Linux, b. Windows; 3. Managing VMs: a. Adding drive space, b. Adjusting resources (memory/CPU), c. Snapshots/Cloning, d. Migrating
Install/Configure VMWare ESXi on Blades
Hardware overview - knowledge assessment
Networking assessment
OSI Model (Assign each apprentice a layer (except the physical layer). Each apprentice will create a presentation to discuss their layer.) 1. Physical Layer; 2. Data Link Layer; 3. Network Layer; 4. Transport Layer; 5. Session Layer; 6. Presentation Layer
Physical Layer - 1. Brief overview of RJ-45, CAT-5, CAT-5e, CA T-6; 2. Briefly discuss fiber optic: a.Cable breakdown (common single line: outer protective jacket, Kevlar, inner plastic buffer,cladding ("traps" light in core), core b. Multimode; c. Single
Data Link Layer - 1. Discuss MAC addresses (hardware addresses).; 2. Switches operate on this level (use MAC addresses for sending data); 3. Some error detection but not correction
Network Layer - 1. Discuss IP addresses (logical addresses).; 2. Routers operate on this level (use IP addresses for routing).; 3. Error detection; 4. IPv4: a. Class A,B,C, b. Subnets, c. Gateway, d. Routing; 5. IPv6; 6. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration P
Transport Layer - 1. Discuss TCP.: a. Common Flags: URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN, b. 'Three Way Handshake" - Establishes a connection: i. Client: SYN(chronize), ii. Server: SYN(chronize)- ACK(nowledged), iii. Client: ACK(nowledged).; 2. "Controls the reli
Session Layer - 1. Session control between computers.; 2. Handle authentication and permissions (network-only).
Presentation Layer - 1. Typically converts digital data (binary) into a format the application layer can utilize.
Application Layer - 1. Typically relatively human readable.; 2. "When an application on one computer starts communicating with another computer, then the Application layer is used" - http://www.rhyshaden.com/osi.htm; 3. Example: HTML (the code for a webpa
Types of Testing - 1. Blackbox vs Whitebox, 2. Unit Testing: a. JUnit, 3. Smoke Testing, 4. Functional Testing, 5. Regression Testing, 6. User Acceptance Testing
Documentation - 1. Use Cases/Requirements Docs, 2. Application Assessments, 3. Test Cases, 4. Test Scripts, 5. Test Plans, a. Overarching Master Test Plan, b. Iteration Test Plan, 6. Peer Reviews
Defect Tracking - 1. TeamForge, 2. Bugzilla (used by Wine), 3. Trac (used by MythTV)
Test Automation - 1. Selenium, a. Simple Record and Playback Scripts, b. Script Modification (Selenese, Java, Ruby, etc); 2. RationalFunctionalTester8.x, a. RFT API: i. TestObject and sub-classes ii.RationalTestScript and methods, iii. Locating HTML Page
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