Professional Logger

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 45-4021.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Certified Professional Logger
  • Module 1 - First Aid
  • Module 1 - Defensive Driving
  • Module 1 - Logging Techniques
  • Module 1 - Safety in the Woods
  • Module 1 - Fire Control and Suppression
  • Module 2 - High Lead Technique
  • Module 2 - Skidder Operation
  • Module 2 - Tractor / Front End Loader Operation
  • Module 2 - Scaling, Utilization, Measurements
  • Module 3 - Tree Selection
  • Module 3 - Reforestation
  • Module 3 - Road Building
  • Module 4 - Application of Skills
On-the-job Training
  • Module 1
    • General logging practice
    • Understands and uses terminology common to the practice of wood harvesting
    • Application of timber stand improvement practices
    • Tree planting and reforestation
    • Understands and applies safe choker setter practices
    • Inspects equipment for safety prior to use and performs necessary basic maintenance tasks
    • Safety practices - personnel, site, equipment
    • Chainsaw operation and maintenance
    • Clear brush from work areas and escape routes, cut saplings and other trees from direction of falls using axes, chainsaws, or bulldozers
    • Tag unsafe trees with high-visibility ribbons
    • Collects data as needed and submits repots
    • Understands basic team operations
  • Module 2
    • Skidder operator
    • Loader operations
    • Scaling, utilizations, and measurements
    • Tree feller / tree bucker operations
    • Control/ operate hydraulic tractors equipped with tree clamps and booms to lift, swing, and bunch sheared trees
    • Grade logs according to characteristics such as knot size and straightness, and according to established industry or company standards
    • Measure felled trees and cut them into specified log lengths, using chainsaws and axes
  • Module 3
    • Advanced general logging practice
    • Control the direction of a tree's fall by scoring cutting lines with axes, sawing undercuts along scored lines with chainsaws, knocking slabs from cuts with single-bit axes, and driving wedges
    • Principles of road building
    • Drive tractors for the purpose of building or repairing logging and skid roads
    • Operates, maintains, and performs small repairs / CAT and front-end loader
  • Module 4
    • Tree feller
    • Mobile Yard operator
    • Drive and maneuver mechanical equipment and tree harvesters to shear the tops off of trees, cut and limb the trees, and cut the logs into desired lengths
    • Determine forestry techniques or methods best suited to site
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