Sawmill Operator / Sawyer

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 51-7041.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • NCCER Core
  • CPR / First Aid
  • PPE
  • Safety - Wood Yard, Chainsaw, OSHA, Mill Operations
  • Forklift Certification
On-the-job Training
  • Safety
    • Wears appropriate PPE according to assigned task
    • Wood yard
    • Chainsaw
    • Understands mill operations; identifies unsafe procedures
    • Forklift
    • Kiln - start up, stop, emergency shutdown
    • Understands and applies emergency notification and protocols
    • Provides accurate information to supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates
  • Equipment
    • Maintains and repairs chainsaw; sharpens chain
    • Maintains and repairs forklift
    • Maintains saws: blade sharpening, blade straightening, blade setting
    • Replaces worn equipment components
    • Lubricates and cleans equipment
  • Loading and Moving; Stacking Lumber
    • Reads and understands work orders to determine product specifications or requirements; reviews instructions to determine operational methods or sequences
    • Safely uses and understands All Terrain Forklift operation
    • Loads and transports stacked lumber
    • Log species identification
    • Deck loading for the saw
    • Log positioning for efficient utilization
    • Grades lumber; inspects materials to identify problems or defects; understands and applies grading
    • Log scaling
    • Board footage measuring
    • Stacking lumber
    • Sticker placement
    • Dunnage placement / lumber skids
  • Kiln Operations
    • Prep lumber for kiln drying
    • Loading lumber kilns
    • Kiln operation and maintenance; can quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine to exact positions
    • Starting temperatures
    • Wet bulb / dry bulb reading
    • Moisture meter operation
    • Monitors process; reviews information to detect or access
  • Biproduct Utilization
    • Identifies alternative usage
    • Dispose of trash and/or waste materials
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