Wastewater Systems Operation Specialist

Hour-based occupation
Onet code: 51-8031.00




Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Orientation - Apprenticeship Program Overview
  • Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, I, A: Safety, Beginning Treatment and Lagoon Systems
  • Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, I, B: Secondary Treatment
  • Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, I, C: Disinfection Laboratory Procedures, and Math
  • Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, II, A: Treatment Plants and Tertiary Treatment
  • Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, II, B: Solids Management and Plant Maintenance
  • 21st Century Workplace Skills I
  • 21st Century Workplace Skills II
  • Advanced Waste Treatment
  • Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems
On-the-job Training
  • Tools, Equipment and Work Place Safety
  • Vehicles and Specialized Equipment
  • System Operations & Maintenance
  • Quality Control
  • Logistics, Reports and Supervision
Headquarters Location:
Richmond, ME (04557)
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