Industrial Maintenance Mechanic (Ingredion)

Competency-based occupation
Onet code: 49-9041.00






Related instruction
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Introduction to Health & Safety for General Industry
  • Electrical Safety
  • DC Electrical
  • AC Electrical
  • Industrial Math
  • Machine Repair
  • Intro to Blueprint Reading
  • Machine Shop Safety
  • Basic Lathe Operatin
  • Basic Mill Operation
  • Fluid Power Fundamentals of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Motor Controls
  • Industrial Electrical Print Reading
  • Advanced Industrial Machine Repair
  • Program Logic Controller 1
  • Instrumentation and Process
  • Electric Motor Control II
  • Welding for the Trades
On-the-job Training
  • Bearings & Belts Tasks
    • Bauer Mill Inspection (NSE017)
    • PM On Belts, Bearings on Vacuum Fans (NBF103)
    • Belt Press Bearing Inspection (NPB090-1)
    • Check Mixer Boxes Building 100 (NMB-100)
    • Receiving & Steep Elevator Vibration-Motion-Bearings
    • Vetter Press Inspection
    • Larox Plate Roller Bearings
  • Building Maintenance Tasks
    • ADMIN Building Roof Inspection
    • Maintenance Building Roof Inspection
  • Centrifuges Merco / Reineveld Tasks
    • Concentrator Rotor Mechanical Inspection
    • Merco & Reineveld Tank Spray Ball Inspection
    • Set Clearance on Merco (NCF009)
    • Unloading Conveyor Knife Change (NCF100-1)
    • Reineveld Cake Thickness Inspection (NCF100-2)
    • PM On Reineveld (NCF100-3)
    • Unload Conveyor Bearing Inspection
  • Conveyors & Elevators Tasks
    • Drag Conveyor Inspection
    • Belt Bucket Elevator Inspection
    • Building 17 Conveyor Inspection
    • Replace Screw Conveyor/Gudgeon
  • Electrical Tasks
    • Packaging Emergency Lighting Route
    • PPO Railcar Static Positive Ground System Inspection
    • Building 100 Emergency Lighting Route
    • Annual Wall Plug Inspection for Plant
    • Troubleshoot/Check Circuit Breakers
    • Troubleshoot Motion Switch
  • Fans/Vents/Filters Tasks
    • Lab Hood Face Velocity Inspection
    • Lab Hood Vents Inspection
    • Check Propylation Area Exhaust Fans
    • SFD ID Fan Inspection
    • Replace Opacity Blower Pre-Filter
    • Replace Bag Dump Blower Pre-Filter/Transfer Blower Pre-Filter
    • Wet Starch Process Vent Fan Inspection
    • Inspect Fan Building 102 Roof
    • CATO Product Blower Intake Filter Inspection
    • Electric Room Ventilation Inspection
    • Building 17 Vent Fan Inspection
    • Building 5 Intake Fan Filter Change
    • Building 9 Vent Fan Route
    • Exhaust Fan Inspection (Bldgs 100, 101, BLO, 45)
    • #1 Packer Intake & Exhaust Filters Change
    • PM On SFD Product Blower
    • Salt Unloading Transfer Blower Pre-Filter Change
    • Blower Inspection
    • Building 95 Blower Filter Route
  • Food Safety Tasks
    • Magnet Test Survey (Building 1, 3)
    • Magnet Test Survey (Building 104, 45)
  • Hydraulics Tasks
    • Troubleshoot/Repair Larox Hydraulic System/Components
    • Troubleshoot/Repair Reineveld Hydraulic System/Components
  • Instruments Tasks
    • D-1W-PH Loop Calibration
    • Lab Mixer RPM Test
    • Instrument Calibration
    • Dust Collector Blowdown Inspection
    • Reineveld Fill Valve Calibration
    • Reineveld Knife/Spoon Assembly Calibration
    • Calibrate a Temperature Probe
    • Calibrate a Level Sensor/Probe
    • Calibrate a Pressure Sensor/Probe
    • Calibrate a PO Probe
    • Troubleshoot/Repair Amphoteric Monitoring
  • Larox Tasks
    • Larox Monthly Inspection
    • Larox Annual Inspection
    • Larox Cylinder Cap Replacement
    • Larox Bladder Replacement
    • Larox Plate Seals Replacement
    • Larox Cloth Tensioning Device Repair
  • Lubrication Tasks
    • Repack a Bearing
    • Wet Starch Lubrication Route
    • Dry Starch Lubrication Route
  • Mills / Entoleter Tasks
    • 1st Grind Mill Inspection
    • 2nd Grind Mill Inspection
    • Turbolizer Mill Inspection
    • Entoleter Inspection
    • Dry Starch Entoleter Stator/Rotor Change
    • Clean Out Obstructions Causing Mill Vibration
  • Pipes/Hoses/Lines Tasks
    • PPO System Inspection
    • Replace Germ Cooler Inlet & Outlet Hoses Inspection
    • PM Inspection On Product Lines To Bins
    • Inspect Dry Product Lines
    • Inspect Wet Product Lines
    • Perform Line Break and Blind
    • Inspect Lines from Diverter to CATO & CATO to Blending Bin
  • POCL3 System Tasks
    • POCL3 Dump Station Hose Replacement (6 months)
    • POCL3 Exhaust Fan Inspection (monthly)
  • Pumps Tasks
    • Expansion Joint Inspection
    • Bulk Chemical Pump Inspection (Route 0002)
    • Dry Starch Pump Inspection
    • Wet Starch Pump Inspection
    • Replace Pump Seal
    • Perform Pump Alignment
    • Unpaste a Pump
    • Troubleshoot Sump Pumps
  • Safety Equipment Tasks
    • Safety Shower / Eyewash Inspection
    • Fire Extinguisher Checklist
    • Fire Extinguisher Inspection
    • Inspect Fenwal Actuators
    • Inspect IPD Explosion Prevention System
    • Inspect Explosion Panels
  • Screening Equipment Tasks
    • DSM Screen Replacement Inspection
    • Replace ROTEX Screens Inspection
    • Amphoteric Hopper Vibrating Bottom Inspection
    • Replace Paddle Screen
    • Replace Rotary Strainer
  • Tank Tasks
    • PM On Acid & Hypo Egg On Roof
    • Reaction Tank Spray Ball Inspection
    • Tank PM Inspection
    • Inspection On Adipic Flame Arrester
    • Reaction Tank Agitator Inspection
    • Fuel Tank Inspections
    • Tank Decommission
  • Tooling & Equipment Tasks
    • Bench Grinder Inspection
    • Lifting Clamp Inspection
    • Wire Rope Inspection
  • Valve Tasks
    • PM On Rotary Valves
    • Cooker Steam Valves Inspection
    • Distribution Valve Inspection
    • Cyclonaire Butterfly Valve
    • POCL3 Nitrogen Pressure Relief Valve Inspection
    • Germ Dryer Steam Relief Valve - Replacement
    • Troubleshoot Pneumatic Valves
  • Miscellaneous Tasks
    • Clean Flat Plate Cooler
    • Gluten Dryer Exterior Inspection
    • Perform Confined Space Entry
  • Environmental Tasks
    • Wet Starch Title V
    • Check Differential Pressure (Dust Collector Socks) Magnehelic
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