Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers
ONET: 51-2011.00
Related instructions
On-the-job training
Classroom instruction topics
Tools, Materials, and Process I
Tools, Materials, and Process II
Aircraft Materials, Hardware & Processes
Applying the Design Process
Aircraft Electrical Systems & Quality Control
Aircraft Hydraulics & Aviation Mathematics
Composites and Capstone Project
On-the-job training
Safe and Effective Work Practices
Work area rules and regulations.
Awareness and understanding for the need of safety devices, controls, guards and equipment.
Human factors related to safe aircraft operation.
Situational awareness (SA) and its importance in the MRO environment.
Clean-as-you go. Inspect for FOD. (FOD is anything left anywhere that does not belong in the work area.) Follow proper foreign object debris (FOD) procedures.
Perform good housekeeping practices in the aviation environment.
Use and Maintenance of tools, equipment and appropriate PPE
Identify proper tools for task performance.
Inspect tools for cleanliness & functionality.
Identify basic and special aviation hand tools.
Process and rationale for logging tools (ingress/egress).
Conduct pre-shift/post-shift tool, materials, equipment, and supplies inventory.
Apply proper use and care of precision measuring tools including micrometers, vernier calipers, squares, etc.
Operate safely shop machine tools.
Operate equipment to properly and safely Ream hole to size.
Operate equipment to properly and safely complete Hole Countersinking.
Appropriate selection of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Basic aviation corrosion control and protection
Using Corrosion Prevention Methods.
Inspect, identify, remove and treat aircraft corrosion and perform aircraft cleaning.
Basic knowledge of sheet metal layout, marking, measurements and spacing applying drawing/blueprint.
Determine metal type for Selection and Preparation.
Prepare Edge Margin (Distance) and Spacing on given metal project.
Produce a layout/template.
Perform repair using basic drawing/blueprint layout.
Hardware types and their application
Use different methods for Fastener Installation and Removal (Threaded Fastener, Blind Fastener, Lock Bolt, and Rivet).
Evaluation Clecos by size and color for proper application.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of Drill a Hole to Specification (hole size and depth).
Operate equipment to properly and safely complete Hole Countersinking.
Read, comprehend and apply information contained in FAA and manufacturers’ aircraft maintenance specifications, data sheets, manuals, publications and Repair Station Manual guidelines.
Undertake research using appropriate reference manuals for maintenance and repairs.
Interpret technical drawings and schematics.
Demonstrate an ability to complete a capstone project/task.
Complete a repair project per drawing and specifications.
Complete a servicing project per appropriate Aviation manuals.
Complete an assembly project per drawing and specifications.
Complete a metal project per drawing and specifications.
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