Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics
Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics
Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics
Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics
Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Transportation and Logistics
Defining the modes of transportation and their historic relationships
Describing current issues in transportation including increased regulation and security issues
Explaining the political, economic, and social trends that impact the transportation and logistics industry.
Identify the relationship between domestic transportation and the economy
Explain the relationship of international logistics with transportation modes, international terms of sale, free trade agreements, and security and insurance issues
Identify the regulatory procedures and policies that impact transportation and how these impact the economy
Explain import/export process
Explaining logistics technology as it relates to computer basics, automatic identification, and software solutions
Identify the procurement function
Identify the functions of warehouse and inventory management
Explain supply chain management
Describe how transportation options and logistics drive delivery costs and pricing
Describe customer service for transportation and logistics industries
Identify how delivery methods impact customer need for reliable service and reasonable prices
Explain outsourcing and how this impacts these industries describing domestic and global security issues and possible technological solutions
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Explaining and summarizing basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concepts and its applications to business success.
Analyzing the concept of order cycle time by preparing mock schedules that correspond to inventory cycle models.
Identifying the importance of logistic performance on customer service in generating revenue through written case analyses and company reviews
Explained interpreting what the supply chain management process entails.
Illustrate the relationship between a business and the scope of the domestic and global transportation systems by creating models through the use of simulation software.
Describe various services in the transportation industry and how these services are coordinated to get products to the consumer in a timely fashion.
Analyze the various types of business software application tools and selecting the appropriate tool for use in the supply chain process
Utilize various internet services and sources to understand the economic impact of the supply chain to various businesses.
Analyze data from various sources and using software to create reports that inform businesses of various supply chain processes.
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Explaining and summarizing basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concepts and its applications to business success.
Analyzing the concept of order cycle time by preparing mock schedules that correspond to inventory cycle models.
Identifying the importance of logistic performance on customer service in generating revenue through written case analyses and company reviews
Explained interpreting what the supply chain management process entails.
Illustrate the relationship between a business and the scope of the domestic and global transportation systems by creating models through the use of simulation software.
Describe various services in the transportation industry and how these services are coordinated to get products to the consumer in a timely fashion.
Analyze the various types of business software application tools and selecting the appropriate tool for use in the supply chain process
Utilize various internet services and sources to understand the economic impact of the supply chain to various businesses.
Analyze data from various sources and using software to create reports that inform businesses of various supply chain processes.
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Explaining and summarizing basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concepts and its applications to business success.
Analyzing the concept of order cycle time by preparing mock schedules that correspond to inventory cycle models.
Identifying the importance of logistic performance on customer service in generating revenue through written case analyses and company reviews
Explained interpreting what the supply chain management process entails.
Illustrate the relationship between a business and the scope of the domestic and global transportation systems by creating models through the use of simulation software.
Describe various services in the transportation industry and how these services are coordinated to get products to the consumer in a timely fashion.
Analyze the various types of business software application tools and selecting the appropriate tool for use in the supply chain process
Utilize various internet services and sources to understand the economic impact of the supply chain to various businesses.
Analyze data from various sources and using software to create reports that inform businesses of various supply chain processes.
Operations Management for Transportation
Identify the regulatory agencies involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify current topics under discussion in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify the political bodies and individuals involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Explain the role of government in regulating safety, operations, and interstate commerce
Identify permits needed for a given project
Identify regulatory requirements
Identify consequences of violations of regulatory requirements
Identify which agencies have regulatory authority over a given project
Identify the basic components of a contract
Identify the difference between "void" and "voidable" contracts
Identify the legal responsibilities to adhere to the terms of a contract
Identify basic documentation needed for operating in an international environment
Identify areas of international law that relate to the shipment of goods
Identify country-specific rules relating to the movement of hazardous materials and perishables
Operations Management for Transportation
Identify the regulatory agencies involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify current topics under discussion in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify the political bodies and individuals involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Explain the role of government in regulating safety, operations, and interstate commerce
Identify permits needed for a given project
Identify regulatory requirements
Identify consequences of violations of regulatory requirements
Identify which agencies have regulatory authority over a given project
Identify the basic components of a contract
Identify the difference between "void" and "voidable" contracts
Identify the legal responsibilities to adhere to the terms of a contract
Identify basic documentation needed for operating in an international environment
Identify areas of international law that relate to the shipment of goods
Identify country-specific rules relating to the movement of hazardous materials and perishables
Operations Management for Transportation
Identify the regulatory agencies involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify current topics under discussion in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify the political bodies and individuals involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Explain the role of government in regulating safety, operations, and interstate commerce
Identify permits needed for a given project
Identify regulatory requirements
Identify consequences of violations of regulatory requirements
Identify which agencies have regulatory authority over a given project
Identify the basic components of a contract
Identify the difference between "void" and "voidable" contracts
Identify the legal responsibilities to adhere to the terms of a contract
Identify basic documentation needed for operating in an international environment
Identify areas of international law that relate to the shipment of goods
Identify country-specific rules relating to the movement of hazardous materials and perishables
Operations Management for Transportation
Identify the regulatory agencies involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify current topics under discussion in the transportation regulatory environment
Identify the political bodies and individuals involved in the transportation regulatory environment
Explain the role of government in regulating safety, operations, and interstate commerce
Identify permits needed for a given project
Identify regulatory requirements
Identify consequences of violations of regulatory requirements
Identify which agencies have regulatory authority over a given project
Identify the basic components of a contract
Identify the difference between "void" and "voidable" contracts
Identify the legal responsibilities to adhere to the terms of a contract
Identify basic documentation needed for operating in an international environment
Identify areas of international law that relate to the shipment of goods
Identify country-specific rules relating to the movement of hazardous materials and perishables
Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management
Compare various shipping options
Analyze types of goods and products and the impact on logistics
Identify the characteristics of a full-service transportation organization
Demonstrate knowledge of mode-specific logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in intermodal transportation
Demonstrate knowledge of International Commercial (INCO) terms
Demonstrate knowledge of geography
Demonstrate knowledge of how goods move through freight forwarder and customs broker
Demonstrate knowledge of warehousing
Demonstrate knowledge of packaging and labeling requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of combining given modes of transportation (air/sea/land)
Develop/track performance measures
Analyze system performance
Develop process maps
Develop contingency plans
Demonstrate knowledge of process analysis
Identify various quality initiatives (ISO, Six Sigma, etc.)
Utilize project management software
Identify planning/scheduling techniques such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
Develop a project management plan
Coordinate a project
Identify the quickest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the safest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the least expensive method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the various intermodal systems available for a given supply chain or shipping method
Identify methods of analyzing system performance
Track on-time performance measures of a given system
Identify the modern technological tools available for systems analysis
Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management
Compare various shipping options
Analyze types of goods and products and the impact on logistics
Identify the characteristics of a full-service transportation organization
Demonstrate knowledge of mode-specific logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in intermodal transportation
Demonstrate knowledge of International Commercial (INCO) terms
Demonstrate knowledge of geography
Demonstrate knowledge of how goods move through freight forwarder and customs broker
Demonstrate knowledge of warehousing
Demonstrate knowledge of packaging and labeling requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of combining given modes of transportation (air/sea/land)
Develop/track performance measures
Analyze system performance
Develop process maps
Develop contingency plans
Demonstrate knowledge of process analysis
Identify various quality initiatives (ISO, Six Sigma, etc.)
Utilize project management software
Identify planning/scheduling techniques such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
Develop a project management plan
Coordinate a project
Identify the quickest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the safest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the least expensive method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the various intermodal systems available for a given supply chain or shipping method
Identify methods of analyzing system performance
Track on-time performance measures of a given system
Identify the modern technological tools available for systems analysis
Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management
Compare various shipping options
Analyze types of goods and products and the impact on logistics
Identify the characteristics of a full-service transportation organization
Demonstrate knowledge of mode-specific logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in intermodal transportation
Demonstrate knowledge of International Commercial (INCO) terms
Demonstrate knowledge of geography
Demonstrate knowledge of how goods move through freight forwarder and customs broker
Demonstrate knowledge of warehousing
Demonstrate knowledge of packaging and labeling requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of combining given modes of transportation (air/sea/land)
Develop/track performance measures
Analyze system performance
Develop process maps
Develop contingency plans
Demonstrate knowledge of process analysis
Identify various quality initiatives (ISO, Six Sigma, etc.)
Utilize project management software
Identify planning/scheduling techniques such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
Develop a project management plan
Coordinate a project
Identify the quickest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the safest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the least expensive method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the various intermodal systems available for a given supply chain or shipping method
Identify methods of analyzing system performance
Track on-time performance measures of a given system
Identify the modern technological tools available for systems analysis
Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management
Compare various shipping options
Analyze types of goods and products and the impact on logistics
Identify the characteristics of a full-service transportation organization
Demonstrate knowledge of mode-specific logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in intermodal transportation
Demonstrate knowledge of International Commercial (INCO) terms
Demonstrate knowledge of geography
Demonstrate knowledge of how goods move through freight forwarder and customs broker
Demonstrate knowledge of warehousing
Demonstrate knowledge of packaging and labeling requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of combining given modes of transportation (air/sea/land)
Develop/track performance measures
Analyze system performance
Develop process maps
Develop contingency plans
Demonstrate knowledge of process analysis
Identify various quality initiatives (ISO, Six Sigma, etc.)
Utilize project management software
Identify planning/scheduling techniques such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
Develop a project management plan
Coordinate a project
Identify the quickest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the safest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the least expensive method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the various intermodal systems available for a given supply chain or shipping method
Identify methods of analyzing system performance
Track on-time performance measures of a given system
Identify the modern technological tools available for systems analysis
Intermodal Transportation Operations and Project Management
Compare various shipping options
Analyze types of goods and products and the impact on logistics
Identify the characteristics of a full-service transportation organization
Demonstrate knowledge of mode-specific logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in intermodal transportation
Demonstrate knowledge of International Commercial (INCO) terms
Demonstrate knowledge of geography
Demonstrate knowledge of how goods move through freight forwarder and customs broker
Demonstrate knowledge of warehousing
Demonstrate knowledge of packaging and labeling requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of combining given modes of transportation (air/sea/land)
Develop/track performance measures
Analyze system performance
Develop process maps
Develop contingency plans
Demonstrate knowledge of process analysis
Identify various quality initiatives (ISO, Six Sigma, etc.)
Utilize project management software
Identify planning/scheduling techniques such as Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method
Develop a project management plan
Coordinate a project
Identify the quickest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the safest method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the least expensive method of shipping different types of goods
Identify the various intermodal systems available for a given supply chain or shipping method
Identify methods of analyzing system performance
Track on-time performance measures of a given system
Identify the modern technological tools available for systems analysis
Introduction to Port Freight Operations
Explain the different types of ports including seaports, waterway ports and inland ports.
Explain the types of organizational structures.
Describe the terminology and acronyms used in port operations.
Identify all the regulatory agencies involved in port freight operations.
Define the various terms used in port cargo operations.
Identify the types of hazardous materials transported and rules governing this type of shipment.
Describe processes for perishable good
Identify basic documents used in freight forwarding and customs brokering.
Prepare an airway bill.
Demonstrate knowledge of letters of credit.
Identify components of a bill of lading.
Introduction to Port Freight Operations
Explain the different types of ports including seaports, waterway ports and inland ports.
Explain the types of organizational structures.
Describe the terminology and acronyms used in port operations.
Identify all the regulatory agencies involved in port freight operations.
Define the various terms used in port cargo operations.
Identify the types of hazardous materials transported and rules governing this type of shipment.
Describe processes for perishable good
Identify basic documents used in freight forwarding and customs brokering.
Prepare an airway bill.
Demonstrate knowledge of letters of credit.
Identify components of a bill of lading.
Introduction to Port Freight Operations
Explain the different types of ports including seaports, waterway ports and inland ports.
Explain the types of organizational structures.
Describe the terminology and acronyms used in port operations.
Identify all the regulatory agencies involved in port freight operations.
Define the various terms used in port cargo operations.
Identify the types of hazardous materials transported and rules governing this type of shipment.
Describe processes for perishable good
Identify basic documents used in freight forwarding and customs brokering.
Prepare an airway bill.
Demonstrate knowledge of letters of credit.
Identify components of a bill of lading.
International Logistics And Transportation
Evaluate requirements for materials management, storage, inventory, distribution and documentation.
Contrast the elements of an intermodal freight transportation system.
Evaluate strategies to compete in a global economy including outsourcing, offshoring and international marketing.
Examine cultural influences.
Evaluate ethical practices.
Contrast means of information flow.
Demonstrate understanding of Incoterms.
Apply international weights and measures.
Apply currency exchange methods.
Illustrate roles of regulatory agencies.
International Logistics And Transportation
Evaluate requirements for materials management, storage, inventory, distribution and documentation.
Contrast the elements of an intermodal freight transportation system.
Evaluate strategies to compete in a global economy including outsourcing, offshoring and international marketing.
Examine cultural influences.
Evaluate ethical practices.
Contrast means of information flow.
Demonstrate understanding of Incoterms.
Apply international weights and measures.
Apply currency exchange methods.
Illustrate roles of regulatory agencies.
Identify risks and safety and security measures in transportation and logistics
Demonstrate knowledge of OSHA and all agencies involved in the movement of goods including Customs and Border protection, Transpiration, and Security Administration, U.S, Department of Agriculture
Demonstrate the ability to use technology as it relates to transportation and logistics
Demonstrate the ability to use a spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation software
Demonstrate the ability to use scheduling/planning software
Identify the electronic systems used in a modern transportation system
Utilize Internet resources
Demonstrate ability to use logistics software for bookings, shipments, consolidations, and shipment verifications
Demonstrate knowledge of geography, culture, customs, and language in international trade
Demonstrate an understanding of world geography
Demonstrate knowledge of various cultural customs as it related to conducting business
Abstain from the use of idioms when dealing with foreign customers and colleagues
Demonstrate knowledge of time and date difference in international trade
Identify customer service techniques that account for cultural difference when working with international clients
Demonstrate knowledge of Professional Development and Networking
Create professional network
Read industry journals
Join appropriate professional organizations
Attend industry/trade shows
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