Certified Nursing Technician

Hybrid-based occupation
Onet code: 31-1014.00






Related instruction


On-the-job training
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • General Orientation including Electronic Documentation Training
  • Review of: Job Description/Performance Appraisal, IDD 17.013 - Probationary Period for New Employees
  • Unit Specific Orientation
  • Clinical Information Systems, EMMC Intranet
  • I-Care Training
  • EMHS Webmail (if applicable)
  • Review of Job Hazard Analysis
  • Review of MSDS
  • Review of Policies and Procedures: Intranet: Policies & Procedures Page
  • Intranet: Leadership Paqe, Intranet: Clinical Applications Page, Educational Resources, Unit Based Information
  • Review of EMMC's Caring Behaviors
  • Nurse Call System, Who to Call for Repairs
  • Time and Attendance
  • Review of areas frequently used by unit
  • Review of Security Plan
  • Performance Improvement Plan, Review of Audit Tools (if applicable)
  • Employee Health Services, Flu Vaccine
  • CPR
  • TB Mask/fit
On-the-job Training
  • Orientation
    • Understands and complies with basic employment requirements
    • Understands their role and responsibilities of the within the parameters of the care team
    • Seeks opportunities for ongoing professional growth; implements to improve practice and shares with colleagues as appropriate
    • Gives full attention to what other people are saying, taking the time to understand; ask questions and not interrupt
    • Creates and maintains a positive work environment
    • Completes mandated trainings
    • Uses logic and reasoning to identify strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems
  • Key Processes and Polices
    • Understands organizational charts (EMMC Intranet - Leadership Page -Who's Who)
    • Understands Function Teams
    • Understands Role of DHN, Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Educator, SN II, SN I, SN, Chc1rge Nurse, LPN, NT, CNS and US
    • Identifies Support Departments/knows when & how to contact: Infection Control, Dispatch, Transport, Facilities, Care Management, Patient Relations, Risk Management
    • Contributes to Professional Practice Committee
    • Participates on Safety Committees
    • Attends and contributes to Unit Staff Meetings
    • Attends Patient Care Process Review Committee
    • Understands and respects the Role of the: Nursing Supervisor, Patient Access Manager
    • Understands the Role of Resource Nurse
    • Understands Principles of Corporate Compliance - Can contact the Compliance Hotline
    • Applies Patient First Initiative procedures, Patient Satisfaction (AVATAR), Quarterly Leadership Workouts, Quarterly Employee Updates, Must Haves (Thank You Notes, Follow-Up Phone Calls [Discharge Call Manager]) White Boards
    • Performs "Rounding with a Purpose", "Pain, positioning, potty, pump", Patient Rounding, Employee Rounding
  • Physical Environment
    • Able to describe and locate: Main Corridor(s): Emergency shut offs, Fire extinguishers, Fire alarms, Means of egress (evacuation), Elevators and stairs
    • Able to describe and locate: Patient Room: Bed operation, Call system (including bathroom/emergency calls), Lights, Bathroom, Sharps containers, Medical gas/vacuum (including emergency shut off), Red outlets, Telephones. Television, Closets (A Bed verses
    • Able to describe and locate: Nurse Station: Disaster Phone, Computer terminals (include call system monitor), Drawers and files, Photocopier/FAX machines, Pneumatic Tube system, Drawers and contents, Chart rack (describe color wheel and process), Other un
    • Able to describe and locate: Kitchen: Refrigerator - temperature check/documentation, Pantry supplies, Nourishment carts, Ice/water machines
    • Able to describe and locate: Nurses Lounge: Combination, Lockers, Securing of valuable
    • Able to describe and locate: "Dirty" utility room: Trash compactors, Dietary trays, Dirty equipment
    • Able to describe and locate: Clean utility area: Medication prep area, Eye Wash Station, Linen carts, Exchange carts, Other supplies, Time clocks, Mailboxes, Bulletin boards
    • Able to describe and locate: Dictating room: Dictaphone/Telephone, Other supplies
    • Can locate other Offices/Workspaces on the Unit
  • Equipment use (including repair facilitation)
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: NBIP
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Pulse Oximeter
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Thermometer
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Doppler
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: O2 Tanks
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Scales - bed and standing
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Glucometer
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: EZ Lift
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Tube feeding pumps
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Eye Wash Station
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Portable computers (including maintenance)
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Able to locate and provide assistance with Otoscope/Ophthalmoscope
    • Demonstrates competency in use of: Point of Care Testing
  • Emergency Procedures
    • Understands and responds appropriately: Dr. STAT/Rapid Response Team: 4444, Emergency call light, Initiate CPR/Note time of and details of arrest, STAT Cart contents, Defibrillator, STAT Cart coverage
    • Understands and responds appropriately: Fire Safety: 4444, Staff role in fire drill/fir, Fire alarms/extinguishers and locations
    • Understands and responds appropriately: Code Pink: 4444, Staff responsibilities, Searching of unit
    • Understands and responds appropriately: Disaster Drill: Role of staff, Call down lists, Role of charge nurse, Role of secretary, Command center
  • Patient Care
    • Provides AOL's: Bathes patient in bed, tub or shower, Shampoo, Sitz bath, Mouth care, Skin care, Mouth care/Denture Care, Shaving, Feeding patient, Makes occupied/unoccupied bed, Ambulation/transfers, Elimination (urinals, bedpans, commodes), Perinea! car
    • Accurately takes and records vital signs
    • Collects specimens (urine, fecal) for lab tests
    • Administers and reports results of: Saline enema, Cleaning enema, Fleets enema, Rectal suppository (glycerin)
    • Properly turns and positions patients
    • Administer douche
    • Provide assistance with active and passive range of motion
    • Applies sequential compression devices
    • Assist with hot and cold non-sterile applications
    • Assists with post-mortem care
    • Application of a sterile band-aid dressing and 4X4 gauze
    • Applies slings, splints and binders
    • Properly applies air mattresses, foam mattresses, bed cradles, sheepskin and donut rings
    • Performs colostomy care on an established stoma
  • Documentation of care
    • A. Performs accurate documentation electronically and on remaining paper documents; B. Accurately documents l & O; C. Verbalizes understanding of rationale behind "Unacceptable Abbreviations" and can state what abbreviations are unacceptable for use in th
  • Admissions
    • Obtains admission vital signs
    • Obtains and enters height, weight and allergies into clinical information system
    • Completes the Valuables Record (on-line documentation)
    • Orients patient to room
    • Assists with review of information contained in admissions packet
  • Patient Discharge
    • Assists RN with patient discharge ensuring that patient has all belongings and valuables
    • Able to verbalize an understanding of the Hospitality Unit and identify patients who can use this service
  • Restraint Management
    • Able to identify patients who may require restraint management
    • Identifies alternatives to prevent, reduce and/or eliminate the use of restraints
    • Demonstrates the proper use of restraints: PCD's 6.001 and 6.001
    • Exhibits Restraint competency as describes in booklet
    • View Video: Restraint reduction and Fall Protection
    • Completes restraint application competency
    • Verbalizes an understanding of the CMS requirement of reporting the death of a patient: In restraint at the time of death, In restraint within 24 hours of death, In restraint within one week where it is reasonable to assume that the restraint contributed
  • Patient Care (requiring precautions)
    • Fall Prevention: Reviews PCD 6.00; Demonstrates the ability to identify patients who may be at risk for falls; Identifies techniques and strategies to prevent, reduce and eliminate falls
    • Suicide Precautions: Verbalizes an understanding of the various levels of suicide precautions and strategies to keep the patient safe
    • Isolation Precautions: Verbalizes an understanding of the various types of isolation precautions and required PPD.; Standard Precautions; Contact Precautions; Droplet Precautions; Airborne Precautions
  • Performance Improvement Process
    • Verbalizes the performance improvement initiatives and measures of performance occurring house-wide and unit specific
    • Verbalizes an understanding of the following organizations and the role they play: JCAHO, CMS, Maine Quality Forum, IHI, VHA
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