Mold Maker

ONET: 51-4111.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Industrial Print Reading
  • Machine Tool Technology I
  • Industrial Math II
  • Industrial Math III
  • Basic Mold Making
  • Advanced Mold Making
On-the-job training
  • Leadership / Communication / Critical Skills / Industry Knowledge
    • Completes the Apprenticeship Orientation Application and Introduction process.
    • Demonstrates the ability to be on time, in the proper attire for task being performed.
    • Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate in all directions across multiple levels (Upward, Downward, and across to their peers).
    • Displays a professional attitude along with Integrity on a daily basis. Is accountable for their own actions and leads by example when upholding all company core values.
    • Demonstrates the ability to effectively problem solve within the department and maintain positive employee relations.
    • Demonstrates the ability to effectively maintain a 3s appearance within the department (Sort, Set in Order, Shine).
    • Demonstrates "Continuous Improvement" within the department. Shows commitment to increasing safety, quality and improving job efficiencies each day. Helps with Tracking (Key performance Indicators) within the department and ensures metrics are being recorded daily
    • Demonstrates "knowledge and trends "of the current state of businesses by incorporating Lean Practices into daily activities. Can effectively utilize "Problem solving methods" when encountering any Safety / Quality / or Production issues.
  • Manufacturing Safety Competencies
    • Orientation checklist completed and turned in to HR.
    • Demonstrates the use of Lock-out/Tag-out and understands both 1920.269 and company program requirements.
    • Demonstrates awareness of OTTO's safety policy / Manual and where to locate information.
    • Demonstrates knowledge of the OTTO's Emergency Action Plan and Evacuation procedures.
    • Demonstrates awareness of the OTTO's "SDS" policy / Manual and where to locate information.
    • Understands the different types of PPE in the shop and uses proper PPE for current work being performed.
    • Understands the Equipment inspection involving all slings and hoists.
    • Understands the importance of "Machine Safeguarding" and keeping hands free from the "Point of Operation". Has the ability to identify hazards and properly train operators the safe operation of each machine.
    • Understands the "Safety lock" features involving all caged areas and the hazards involved in bypassing any system.
    • Demonstrates proper use of lifting equipment such as Pallet Jacks, Die carts and Hydraulic pallet lifters.
    • Understands and demonstrates the safe and proper use of all Overhead Crane lifting equipment.
  • Quality / Inspection Competencies
    • Demonstrates basic blue print reading skills by explaining all key information and views given on company prints.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately Read and Interpret all Mold Making Blueprints (Component, Sub/complete assembly views).
    • Understands our Quality Inspection sheets/software and how it coordinates with the part print.
    • Demonstrates the ability to use pin, radius, block gages, and other part assigned check gages for production purposes.
    • Demonstrates the proper use of scales and rulers. Can perform a measurement on a specified part within a given tolerance range.
    • Demonstrates the understanding and proper use of calipers. Can perform a measurement on a specified part within a tolerance range of .001".
    • Demonstrates the understanding and proper use of micrometers. Can perform a measurement on a specified part within a tolerance range of .0005".
    • Demonstrates the understanding and proper use of height gages. Can perform a measurement on a specified part within a tolerance range of .001".
    • Demonstrates the ability to utilize the Optical Comparator accurately and efficiently.
    • Demonstrates the understanding of "Material Hardness" and proper use of the Hardness tester. Can interpret a Rockwell Scale and describe the meaning of "Shear and Break"
    • Demonstrates the ability to perform first, last and hourly inspections of parts fabricated or in production.
  • Mold Repair Department Competencies
    • Understand all operating procedures, Processes, Inventory locations and safety guidelines within the department.
    • Demonstrates comprehension of the various types of material used/scrap separation procedures within the department.
    • Demonstrates the ability to safely perform Preventative Maintenance on all Machinery in the Tool Room (Drill Press, Mills, Lathes & Grinders) as outlined in company checklist. Is self-reliant and completes all tasks in a timely manner.
    • Demonstrates comprehension of all Mold Components and can effectively identify each of the following components using proper terminology (Runner System - shut offs, water lines, blocks, gates, hot tips and manifold system; mold base, ejector system, leader pins, bushings, cavity and core, side actions, ejector pins, stripper plates, sprue bushings and locating ring).
    • Demonstrates comprehension and has the ability to be self-reliant while performing all of the various types of Tooling Changeovers within the department and on the shop floor.
    • Demonstrates the ability to locate basic features impacting a mold design. Can identify the difference between hot runner, tab gate, sub gate, side actions, and conventional ejection.
    • Understands the basics of a mold design process. Can effectively explain the order in which a standard mold is designed.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately inspect fixtures and tooling to identify worn/damaged items.
    • Demonstrates the ability to perform basic mold repair such as replacing pins or polishing corroded components.
    • Operates all Band / Vertical Saws safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to change cutting speeds, saw guides and blades without any guidance. Can accurately choose the right cutting blade for the job being performed.
    • Operates all Pedestal Grinders and Sanders safely and efficiently. Understands OSHA regulation regarding the maximum space allowance of 1/8" for the work rest.
    • Demonstrates comprehension and can accurately calculate feeds and speeds for all set ups.
    • Sets up and Operates all Drill Presses safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to correctly change speeds and feeds using the diagrams on the machine. Can effectively change out chucks and tooling in the work holding devices. Demonstrates the ability to produce quality parts while minimizing waste.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately perform operations such as Counter sinking and Tapping in the Drill press.
    • Demonstrate the ability to accurately perform operations such as Reaming and Counter Boring in the Drill press
    • Demonstrates the ability to correctly sharpen drills using the pedestal grinder and a drill scale. Can correctly identify the main components of the drill.
    • Demonstrate the ability to perform Jig Boring safely and efficiently.
    • Sets up and Operates all Manual Surface Grinders safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to properly dress and change wheels, secure work on magnetic tables, explain the importance of a ring test and can describe the information given on the wheel paper. Demonstrates the ability to produce quality parts while minimizing waste.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately Square a Block in the Surface Grinder within the specified tolerance of .001".
    • Demonstrates the ability to use various fixtures and work holding devices on the surface grinders such as (rotary devices, compound vises and the Herig Head) Can perform tasks such as dressing angles on the wheel, round grinding, form grinding as well as de-burring a block.
    • Sets up and Operates all Automatic Surface Grinders safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to properly dress and change wheels, secure work on magnetic tables, explain the importance of a ring test and can describe the information given on the wheel paper. Demonstrates the ability to produce quality parts while minimizing waste.
    • Sets up and Operates all Manual Lathes safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to correctly change speeds and feeds using the diagrams on the machine. Can effectively change out collets and tooling in the work holding devices. Demonstrates the ability to produce quality parts while minimizing waste.
    • Demonstrates the ability to correctly Identify and choose the proper tool for the job involving the Lathe.
    • Demonstrates the ability to turn the "OD" of a part within specified tolerances.
    • Demonstrates the ability to sharpen Lathe tooling using the diamond wheel and correctly adjust the cutter to the right angle and height for the job.
    • Understands the difference between a "Live Center from the "Dead Center" on the Lathe. Demonstrates the ability to "Turn on Center".
    • Demonstrates the ability to turn the "ID" of a part within specified tolerances.
    • Sets up and Operates all Manual Mills safely and efficiently. Demonstrates the ability to correctly change speeds and feeds using the diagrams on the machine. Can effectively change out collets and tooling in the work holding devices. Demonstrates the ability to produce quality parts while minimizing waste.
    • Demonstrates the ability to correctly Identify and choose the proper tool for the job involving the Mill.
    • Demonstrates the ability to correctly indicate the alignment of the vise using an indicator, tramming the back jaw ensuring its correct placement.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately Square a Block in the Mill within the specified tolerance given.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately use an "Edge Finder" and locate a specified location on the part.
    • Demonstrates the ability to accurately perform operations such as Counter sinking and Tapping in the Mill.
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