Early Childhood Educator - BHK: Adult

ONET: 25-2011.00




Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • Competencies and Best Practices in Children and Family Programs I
  • Competencies and Best Practices in Children and Family Programs II
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition for Early Childhood
  • Professionalism
  • Leadership in the Field
  • Conflict Resolution
  • CPR & First Aid
On-the-job training
  • Establishes and maintains a safe, caring, inclusive, and healthy learning environment
    • Interacts with children according to their individual learning style and developmental period (from birth through age 8) with physical, cognitive, socio emotional, and linguistic activities
    • Ensures that the learning environment is culturally responsive to children from a variety of different backgrounds
    • Makes evidence-based decisions to support each child based on their developmental needs
    • Takes cues from children when they are unwell or need help
    • Acclimates children to the school environment so the transition between home and school is smooth
    • Maintains a safe and enriching play environment
    • Complies with state licensing requirements and company policies with regard to safety (health, cleaning, sanitation)
  • Plans and implements intentional, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate learning experiences
    • Collaborates with other early childhood educators in the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of early learning activities
    • Confers with other staff members to incorporate reflective supervision of children and feedback, and plan and offer opportunities for children's growth and development
    • Gives children an age-appropriate balance of individual, small group, and whole group activities
    • Reads, understands, and follows state early learning guidelines, guidance from Head Start, public pre-k, and elementary education, and privately-owned childcare
    • Plans and offers activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programs which include key learning development areas
    • Works towards planning learning activities that allow children of all backgrounds to feel included
    • Offers early symbolic language with underpinnings in reading and math that is age appropriate
    • Guides and assists children in the development of positive interpersonal relationships between peers, and models conversation, eating, dressing, sleeping, and toilet habits
  • Observes, documents, and assesses children's learning and development
    • Assesses and celebrates each child's unique variations to better design curriculum and instruction to support their development and learning needs
    • Observes and records work samples, including anecdotes, from children over time, including taking dictation of children's reflections and ideas to show progress
    • Identifies and uses different types of assessment accurately and ethically
    • Tracks children's developmental and academic progress to plan next steps and shape learning opportunities
    • Maintains accurate and coherent records and reports, and shares information only when appropriate
    • Complies with relevant federal, state, and local requirements around mandated reporting, child study, and supports for children with disabilities
  • Develops reciprocal, culturally responsive relationships with families and communities
    • Learns about each child's cultural background and does relevant research to better relate to them
    • Works in partnership with parents and/or caregivers to help them advance, recognize, and value the contributions they make to the child's health, well-being, learning, and development
    • Respects and values parents and/or caregivers as children's first teachers
    • Discusses children's progress and plans next stages in their learning with parents and/or caregivers
    • Establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with co-workers and community service providers working with children
  • Advances and advocates for an equitable, diverse, and effective early childhood education profession
    • Takes advantage of available opportunities for professional development and continuous learning.
    • Promotes equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices
    • Communicates effectively, sensitively, and confidentially with apprentices, families, and colleagues of all backgrounds
    • Serves as an informed advocate for the early childhood field
    • Advocates for the needs of children and their families
  • Engages in reflective practice and continuous learning
    • Takes advantage of available opportunities for professional development and continuous learning
    • Openly receives critique and feedback from peers and supervisors, and improves own practice as appropriate
    • Engages in continuing professional development and reflective practice to improve own skills, practice, and subject knowledge
    • Models and promotes compassionate behavior
    • Maintains effective communication in a professional manner with peers, supervisors, parents, and community
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