Medical Assistant

Competency-based occupation
Onet code: 31-9092.00






Related instruction
Classroom Instruction Topics
  • Customer and Personal Service
  • Public Safety and Security
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology
  • Administration and Management
  • English Language
  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Clerical
  • Computers and Electronics
  • Education and Training
  • College and Career Readiness
  • Intro: MA Clinical & Adm Skills
  • MA Administrative Skills
  • MA Pharmacology & Med Math
  • Legal & Ethical Concepts
  • MA Clinical Procedures I
  • MA Clinical Procedures II
  • MA Certification Review
  • MA Practicum Immersion
On-the-job Training
  • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Measure and record: Blood pressure
    • Measure and record: Temperature
    • Measure and record: Pulse
    • Measure and record: Respirations
    • Measure and record: Height
    • Measure and record: Length (infant)
    • Measure and record: Head Circumference (infant)
    • Measure and record: Pulse oximetry
    • Perform: Electrocardiography
    • Perform: Venipuncture
    • Perform: Capillary puncture Pulmonary function testing
    • Perform patient screening using established protocols
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right patient
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right medication
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right dose
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right route
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right time
    • Verify the rules of medication administration: Right documentation
    • Select Proper Sites for administering parenteral medication
    • Administer oral medications
    • Administer Parenteral (excluding IV) medications
    • Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatment
    • Assist provider with a patient exam
    • Perform a quality control measure
    • Obtain specimens and perform: CLIA waived hematology test
    • Obtain specimens and perform: CLIA waived chemistry test
    • Obtain specimens and perform: CLIA waived urinalysis
    • Obtain specimens and perform: CLIA waived immunology test
    • Obtain specimens and perform: CLIA waived microbiology test
    • Produce up-to-date documentation of provider/professional level CPR
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Bleeding
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Diabetic coma or insulin shock
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Fractures
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Seizures
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Shock
    • Perform first aid procedures for: Syncope
    • Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessment
    • Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care
    • Show awareness of a patient's concerns related to the procedure being performed
  • Applied Mathematics
    • Calculate Proper dosages of medication for administration
    • Differentiate Between normal and abnormal test results
    • Maintain lab test results using flow sheets
    • Document on a growth chart
    • Reassure a patient of the accuracy of the test results
  • Infection Control
    • Participate in bloodborne pathogen training
    • Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE)
    • Perform Handwashing
    • Prepare items for autoclaving
    • Perform sterilization procedures
    • Prepare a sterile field
    • Perform within a sterile field
    • Perform wound care
    • Perform dressing change
    • Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous material: Sharps
    • Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous material: Regulated wastes
    • Recognize the implications for failure to comply with Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations in healthcare settings
  • Nutrition
    • Instruct a patient according to patient's special dietary needs
    • Show awareness of patient's concerns regarding a dietary change
  • Concepts of Effective Communication
    • Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including: Reflection
    • Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including: Restatement
    • Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including: Clarification
    • Respond to nonverbal communication
    • Use medical terminology correctly and pronounced accurately to communicate information to providers and patients
    • Coach patients regarding: Office policies
    • Coach patients regarding: Health maintenance
    • Coach patients regarding: Disease prevention
    • Coach patients regarding: Treatment plan
    • Coach patients appropriately considering: Cultural diversity
    • Coach patients appropriately considering: Developmental life stage
    • Coach patients appropriately considering: Communication barriers
    • Demonstrate professional telephone techniques
    • Document telephone messages accurately
    • Compose professional correspondence utilizing electronic technology
    • Develop a current list of community resources related to patients' healthcare needs
    • Facilitate referrals to community resources in the role of a patient navigator
    • Report relevant information concisely and accurately
    • Demonstrate: Empathy
    • Demonstrate: Active listening
    • Demonstrate: Nonverbal communication
    • Demonstrate Principles of self-boundaries
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Gender
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Race
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Religion
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Age
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Economic status
    • Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: Appearance
    • Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure
  • Administrative Functions
    • Manage appointment schedule using established priorities
    • Schedule a patient procedure
    • Create a patient's medical record
    • Organize a patient's medical record
    • File patient medical records
    • Utilize an EMR
    • Input patient data utilizing a practice management system
    • Perform routine maintenance of administrative or clinical equipment
    • Perform an inventory with documentation
    • Display sensitivity when managing appointments
  • Basic Practice Finances
    • Perform accounts receivable procedures to patient accounts including posting: Charges
    • Perform accounts receivable procedures to patient accounts including posting: Payments
    • Perform accounts receivable procedures to patient accounts including posting: Adjustments
    • Prepare a bank deposit
    • Obtain accurate patient billing information
    • Inform a patient of financial obligations for services rendered
    • Demonstrate professionalism when discussing patient's billing record
    • Display sensitivity when requesting payment for services rendered
  • Third-Party Reimbursement
    • Interpret information on an insurance card
    • Verify eligibility for services including documentation
    • Obtain precertification or preauthorization including documentation
    • Complete an insurance claim form
    • Interact professionally with third party representatives
    • Display tactful behavior when communicating with medical providers regarding third party requirements
    • Show sensitivity when communicating with patients regarding third party requirements
  • Procedural and Diagnostic Coding
    • Perform procedural coding
    • Perform Diagnostic coding
    • Utilize medical necessity guidelines
    • Utilize tactful communication skills with medical providers to ensure accurate code selection
  • Legal Implications
    • Locate a state's legal scope of practice for medical assistants
    • Apply HIPAA rules in regard to: Privacy
    • Apply HIPAA rules in regard to: Release of information
    • Document patient care accurately in the medical record
    • Apply the Patient's Bill of Rights as it relates to: Choice of treatment
    • Apply the Patient's Bill of Rights as it relates to: Consent for treatment
    • Apply the Patient's Bill of Rights as it relates to: Refusal of treatment
    • Perform compliance reporting based on public health statutes
    • Report an illegal activity in the healthcare setting following proper protocol
    • Complete an incident report related to an error in patient care
    • Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rights
    • Protect the integrity of the medical record
  • Ethical Considerations
    • Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics
    • Demonstrate appropriate response(s) to ethical issues
    • Recognize the impact personal ethics and morals have on the delivery of healthcare
  • Protective Practices
    • Comply with: Safety signs
    • Comply with: Symbols
    • Comply with: Labels
    • Demonstrate proper use of: Eyewash equipment
    • Demonstrate proper use of: Fire extinguishers
    • Demonstrate proper use of: Sharps disposal containers
    • Use proper body mechanics
    • Participate in a mock exposure event with documentation of specific steps
    • Evaluate the work environment to identify unsafe working conditions
    • Recognize the physical and emotional effects on persons involved in an emergency situation
    • Demonstrate self-awareness in responding to an emergency situation
  • Participating Employer - Behavioral Competencies
    • Participation in team discussions/meetings
    • Focus in team discussion/meetings
    • Focus during independent work
    • Openness to new ideas and change
    • Ability to deal with ambiguity by exploring, asking questions
    • Knows when to ask for help
    • Able to demonstrate effective group presentation skills
    • Able to demonstrate effective one-on-one communication
    • Maintains an acceptable attendance record
    • Reports to work on time
    • Completes assigned tasks on time
    • Uses appropriate language
    • Demonstrates respect for patients, co-workers, and supervisors
    • Demonstrates trust, honesty, and integrity
    • Requests and performs work assignments without hygiene
    • Maintains a positive attitude
    • Cooperates with and assists co-workers
    • Follows instructions/directions
    • Able to work under supervision
    • Able to accept constructive feedback and criticism
    • Able to follow safety rules
    • Able to take care of equipment and work place
    • Able to keep work area neat and clean
    • Able to meet supervisor's work standards
    • Able to not let personal life interfere with work
    • Adheres to work policies/rules/regulations
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