Continuous Process Improvement: Identifying and Eliminating Waste 125
Continuous Process Improvement: Managing Flow 124
Developing a Lean Culture 135
Environmental Safety Hazards 241
Exotic Alloys 301
Fabrication Process 232
Fire Safety and Prevention 181
Interpreting Blueprints 230
Geometry: Triangles 161
Hand and Power Tool Safety 201
Hole Standards and Inspection 141
In-Line Inspection Applications 381
Inspecting a Cylindrical Part 331
Geometry: Circles and Polygons 171
Geometry: Lines and Angles 151
Hardness Testing 221
Inspecting a Prismatic Part 321
Inspecting with CMMs 361
Flammable/Combustible Liquids 191
Ferrous Metals 231
Inspecting with Optical Comparators 351
Ergonomics 102
Essentials of Heat Treatment of Steel 211
Introduction to Mechanical Properties 111
Intro to Six Sigma 171
Intro to Supply Chain Management 140
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing 111
Introduction to Assembly 101
Introduction to CNC Machines 201
Introduction to GD&T 301
Introduction to Metals 121
Management Tools: Problem Solving 270
Management Tools: Product and Process Design 275
Manufacturing Management 180
Material Tests for Welding 201
Math Fundamentals 101
Introduction to OSHA 101
Introduction to Physical Properties 101
Introduction to Robotics 201
ISO 9000 Review 121
Lean Manufacturing Overview 101
Lockout/Tagout Procedures 141
Machine Guarding 271
Machining Titanium Alloys 325
Maintaining a Consistent Lean Culture 330
Major Rules of GD&T 311
Robot Safety 211
Safety for Assembly 211
Safety for Lifting Devices 211
Safety for Metal Cutting 101
SDS and Hazard Communication 151
Six Sigma Goals and Tools 310
SPC Overview 211
Statistics 231
Strategies for Setup Reduction 251
Surface Texture and Inspection 201
Thread Standards and Inspection 151
Tools for Threaded Fasteners 235
Math: Fractions and Decimals 111
Measuring Lean Systems 350
Measuring System Analysis 300
Metrics for Lean 231
Noise Reduction and Hearing Conservation 121
Nonferrous Metals 241
Personal Protective Equipment 111
Powered Industrial Truck Safety 221
Process Design and Development 133
Process Flow Charting 241
Production System Design and Development 136
Quality and Customer Service 175
Quality Overview 111
Respiratory Safety 131
Value Stream Mapping: The Current State 301
Value Stream Mapping: The Future State 311
Walking and Working Surfaces 171
Total Quality Management Overview 261
Transforming Lean into Business Results 340
Trigonometry: Sine Bar Applications 221
Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent 211
Trigonometry: The Pythagorean Theorem 201
TS 16949:2009 Overview 221
Units of Measurement 112
Troubleshooting 181
Florida Ready to Work - Soft Skills
5S Overview 151
On-the-job training
Follow employer safety requirements, including the consistent and proper use of protective clothing and personal safety devices
Maintain a clean and orderly workplace, storing chemicals and corrosive or combustible materials properly and disposing of waste products according to company policies and local/federal laws and regulations
Lift supplies and materials using proper body mechanics and assistive devices, such as hoists, lifts, forklifts and straps
Report and respond promptly, safely, and appropriately to emergency or hazard situation and troubleshoot any issues that may arise
Properly disposes of waste according to company policies and procedures and in accordance with OSHA, EPA, and local regulations and guidelines
Use lock-out/tag-out procedures when working with appropriate tools and equipment
Explain basic quality principles related to products and processes.
Dimensional Measurement
Measurement Conversion
Introduction to Print Reading
Multiview Drawings
Blueprint Dimensions and Notes
Manufacturing Drawings and Scales
Define and distinguish between national or international standards, customer requirements, and producton process specifications.
10. Caliper Measurement
Identify key Six Sigma concepts and tools.
Identify key lean concepts and tools.
Define and use various continuous improvement techniques.
Check arriving materials to ensure that they match purchase orders, submitting discrepancy reports as necessary.
Compute usable amounts of items in shipments.
Collect or select samples for testing or for use as models.
Position products, components, or parts for testing.
Inspect, test, or measure materials, products, installations, or work for conformance to specifications.
Inspect or test raw materials, parts, or products to determine compliance with environmental standards.
Measure dimensions of products to verify conformance to specifications, using measuring instruments, such as rulers, calipers, gauges, or micrometers.
Compare colors, shapes, textures, or grades of products or materials with color charts, templates, or samples to verify conformance to standards.
Grade, classify, or sort products according to sizes, weights, colors, or other specifications.
Weigh materials, products, containers, or samples to verify packaging weights or ingredient quantities
Discard or reject products, materials, or equipment not meeting specifications.
Mark items with details, such as grade or acceptance-rejection status.
Read and comprehend standard blueprints, machine, and process drawings.
Clean, maintain, calibrate, or repair measuring instruments or test equipment, such as dial indicators, fixed gauges, or height gauges.
Testing of design concepts, prototypes, and modifications
Evaluate measurement results to determine conformance to specifications.
Troubleshoot calibration errors
Maintain technical equipment
Interpret and analyze data collected during testing
Demonstrate familiarity with production equipment and functions
Demonstrate understanding of manufacturing process (where applicable).
Exhibit thorough understanding of items produced by employer.
Set up all tools and gauges for use in performing quality assurance tasks
Test selected products at specified stages in the production process for performance characteristics or adherence to specifications
Define and distinguish between product defect characteristics Knowledge of different inspection
Knowledge of different inspection point functions and what type of inspection is appropriate at different stages of production
Identify various types of inspection error
Monitor production operations or equipment to ensure conformance to specifications, making necessary process or assembly adjustments.
Monitor machines that automatically measure, sort, or inspect products.
Record inspection or test data, such as weights, temperatures, grades, or moisture content, and quantities inspected or graded.
Remove defects, such as chips, burrs, or lap corroded or pitted surfaces.
Apply various destructive, nondestructive, and other testing techniques
Determine sample size, selection method and accept/reject criteria used in various situations.
Determine whether products or material meet conformance requirements and use various methods to label and segregate nonconforming materials.
Know and apply the types, components, tools, and techniques associated with quality audits.
Identify the cause of problems and propose solutions to prevent or eliminate reoccurrence.
Analyze test data, making computations as necessary, to determine test results.
Analyze quality costs and other quality data
Read worker logs, product processing sheets, or specification sheets to verify that records adhere to quality assurance specifications
Select, construct, and interpret cause and effect diagrams, flowcharts, check sheets, Pareto charts, scatter diagrams, control charts, and histograms
Interpret drawings and apply requirements in various test and inspection activities
Prepare inspection plans and instructions
Compile and evaluate statistical data to determine and maintain quality and reliability of products
Apply fundamental statistical methods for process control
OJT Hours
Certified Manufacturing Associate-CMfgA
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