Behavioral Health Technician 2022a







On-the-job training
On-the-job training
  • Working With Others
    • 1 - Communicates Effectively - Engages in active and reflective listening.
    • 2 - Communicates Effectively - Speaks clearly and slowly enough to be understood.
    • 3 - Communicates Effectively - Uses non-judgmental words and behaviors.
    • 4 - Communicates Effectively - Communicates directly with the client's family and significant others (with client consent).
    • 5 - Communicates Effectively - Uses "person centered/person first" language.
    • 6 - Builds Positive Relationships - Demonstrates warmth, empathy, and genuineness.
    • 7 - Builds Positive Relationships - Shows respect and concern for others through words and actions.
    • 8 - Builds Positive Relationships - Focuses on and respects the concerns and preferences of the client and family.
    • 9 - Builds Positive Relationships - Provides support and encouragement to clients.
    • 10 - Builds Positive Relationships - Collaborates with providers and clients to complete tasks and solve problems.
    • 11 - Builds Positive Relationships - Maintains appropriate boundaries in all relationships.
    • 12 - Builds Positive Relationships - Assists client in communicating his or her needs to others.
  • Providing Services
    • 13 - Coordinates Care - Collaborates with care team to help implements the plan of care.
    • 14 - Coordinates Care - Monitors client's condition, behavior, and progress on a continuous basis to document and share with care team.
    • 15 - Coordinates Care - Recognizes when progress has slowed, addresses barriers, and works to motivate the client in coordination with care team.
    • 16 - Coordinates Care - Encourages client participation in services and reaches out when client not engaged
    • 17 - Coordinates Care - Establishes working relationships & coordinates care with other providers and teams in the BHA's agency.
    • 18 - Assists with Medication Management - When relevant to setting and job scope, reviews the list of the client's medications and information regarding effects and side effects.
    • 19 - Assists with Medication Management - When relevant to setting and job scope, coaches the client on strategies for taking medications as prescribed.
    • 20 - Assists with Medication Management - When relevant to setting and job scope, assists the client in monitoring and reporting medication effects and side effects to the medical prescriber.
    • 21 - Assists with Medication Management - Recognizes behavioral health crises and early warning signs of crises.
    • 22 - Assists in deescalating problems in their early phase.
    • 23 - Assists with Medication Management - Reports crises and seeks assistance from a supervisor or licensed behavioral health professional.
    • 24 - Seeks assistance, as needed from first responders, or community members
    • 25 - Communicates with the family and others about the crisis and the response in collaboration with the care team.
    • 26 - Participates in debriefing meetings to discuss the crisis and the response.
  • Cultural Competency & Individualized Care
    • 27 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Recognizes and respects cultural diversity, as it relates to differences in communication styles, values, beliefs, and traditions.
    • 28 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Is aware of and able to manage their own stereotypes and biases, as it relates to race, gender, class, ability, age, sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, and other marginalized groups. Has learned
    • 29 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Is aware of their privileged identities and uses their privilege to advocate on behalf of those who experience marginalization, being mindful not to do for their clients what they can do for themselves.
    • 30 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Is sensitive to how connected a client is to their culture e.g., degree of involvement in their traditions, values, beliefs, communication style, etc.
    • 31 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Adapts care that is culturally responsive to the unique characteristics and preferences of the client and family.
    • 32 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Leading with race as a foundation; applies knowledge of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, life span development, socio economic status, religion, disability, immigration status, and intergen
    • 33 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Utilizes a strength-based model, promoting empowerment as a goal and desirable treatment outcome for all people by fostering client and family decision-making, problem-solving, and self-determination.
    • 34 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Takes risk and leans into their discomfort to engage clients in conversations about their experiences related to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and immigration status.
    • 35 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Has knowledge of cultural norms as it relates to views of health and family when assessing and assisting in providing services.
    • 36 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Utilizes appropriate culturally relevant resources and a combination of traditional and client-centered practices when providing services (e.g., storytelling, talking circles, and deferring to elders), while be
    • 37 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Identifies and addresses issues of difference to reduce conflict between individuals and groups.
    • 38 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Understands and applies knowledge of the compounding effects of having more than one identity (e.g., race, class, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, ability, age) and more than one variable (e.g.,
    • 39 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Has basic understanding of cultural stigma around substance use and mental health conditions; acts as an advocate.
    • 40 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Applies knowledge of implicit bias to institutions; advocates for change when an institutional policy or procedure has a bias.
    • 41 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Demonstrates foundational knowledge of microaggressions and engages in courageous conversations when they witness, experiences, or commit a microaggression or other offenses.
    • 42 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Applies knowledge that the tools and infrastructure of mental health diagnosis and care is inherently biased and has been used to further racism. Acknowledges cultural trauma.
    • 43 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Understands health disparities in the context of mental health.
    • 44 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Understands the compounding impact of incarceration, poverty, and/or other systems involvement (i.e. foster care, homelessness).
    • 45 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Takes risks to engage clients in dynamics of differences that exist between themselves and their clients.
    • 46 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Is flexible in communication and approach so the client feels comfortable being themselves.
    • 47 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Demonstrates awareness of how the power differential between the care provider and the client impacts the helping relationships.
    • 48 - Delivers culturally relevant services - Understands the complexity of dual relationships and how to navigate ethically.
    • 49 - Obtains consultation on cultural issues - Routinely considers and discusses cultural responsiveness in supervision and team meetings.
  • Documenting
    • 50 - Completes required documentation - Completes all required documentation based on agency protocols.
    • 51 - Completes required documentation - Produces documentation that is objective, accurate, and legible with correct language, grammar, and spelling.
    • 52 - Completes required documentation - Completes documentation in a timely manner.
  • Professional and Ethical Conduct
    • 53 - Fulfills responsibilities and commitments - Minimizes absences, arrives on time, and completes a full workday.
    • 54 - Fulfills responsibilities and commitments - Completes assigned duties in a timely way and follows through on instructions received, reasonable requests, and promises made.
    • 55 - Fulfills responsibilities and commitments - Acts professional in interactions with the client, family, community, and other professionals.
    • 56 - Fulfills responsibilities and commitments - Works within the limits of assigned duties and role.
    • 57 - Fulfills responsibilities and commitments - Recognizes personal limits of knowledge and skills.
    • 58 - Practices ethically - Complies with the behavioral health agencies' Code of Ethics.
    • 59 - Practices ethically - Understands and complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies, including those related to harassment.
    • 60 - Practices ethically - Manages effectively personal and professional boundaries with clients, families, and the community.
    • 61 - Practices ethically - Models appropriate personal and professional behavior.
    • 62 - Practices ethically - Respects client and family rights.
    • 63 - Obtains client consent - Provides information and obtains informed consent.
    • 64 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies regarding confidentiality and privacy (e.g., HIPAA, Federal Privacy Act, 42 C.F.R, Part 2, ITA).
    • 65 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies regarding confidentiality and privacy (e.g., HIPAA, Federal Privacy Act, 42 C.F.R, Part 2, ITA).
    • 66 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies regarding confidentiality and privacy (e.g., HIPAA, Federal Privacy Act, 42 C.F.R, Part 2, ITA).
    • 67 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Complies with the procedures regarding disclosure of confidential information (e.g., mandated reporting, duty to warn, client authorized releases of information).
    • 68 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Maintains the confidences and privacy of clients and families, even when not required by law, regulation, or policy.
    • 69 - Maintains confidentiality and privacy - Protects client and family anonymity when providing information for statistical evaluation and research.
    • 70 - Placeholder
    • 71 - Manages stress and maintains personal health - Recognizes signs of personal stress.
    • 72 - Manages stress and maintains personal health - Understands the impact of behavioral health work on the providers wellbeing, utilizes strategies to reduce the impact of stressors, and applies self-care strategies to manage stress, maintain health, and
  • Professional Development
    • 73 - Seeks opportunities to improve knowledge, skills and abilities - Sets personal goals for professional development.
    • 74 - Seeks opportunities to improve knowledge, skills and abilities - Participates in employer sponsored training and other continuing education activities.
    • 75 - Seeks opportunities to improve knowledge, skills and abilities - Adopts best practices learned through continuing education.
    • 76 - Seeks opportunities to improve knowledge, skills and abilities - Adopts best practices learned through continuing education.
    • 77 - Uses supervision effectively - Participates routinely and constructively in supervision
    • 78 - Uses supervision effectively - Participates routinely and constructively in supervision
    • 79 - Uses supervision effectively - Uses supervision, peer consultation, and self-evaluation to enhance self-awareness and improve professional performance.
    • 80 - Uses supervision effectively - Uses formal evaluations to improve professional performance and the quality of services provided within a professional development plan.
    • 81 - Engages in Collaborative and Caring Relationships - Listens with careful attention to the content and emotion being communicated.
    • 82 - Engages in Collaborative and Caring Relationships - Demonstrates genuine acceptance and respect.
    • 83 - Engages in Collaborative and Caring Relationships - Demonstrates empathy and genuine positive regard for the clients' experiences and feelings.
  • Engages Peers in Collaborative and Caring Relationships
    • 84 - Validates clients' experiences and feelings.
    • 85 - Provides concrete assistance to help clients accomplish tasks and goals.
    • 86 - Personalizes support - Understands his/her own personal values and culture and how these may contribute to biases, judgements and beliefs and seeks supervision and consultation to ensure they do not impact services.
    • 87 - Personalizes support - Appreciates and respects the culture and spiritual beliefs and practices of clients and their families and adapts interventions/services accordingly.
    • 88 - Provides information about skills related to health, wellness and recovery - Coaches clients in desired skills and strategies.
    • 89 - Helps to manage crises - Recognizes signs of distress and threats to safety among clients and in their environments. Provides reassurance to clients in distress and seeks supervision as needed.
    • 90 - Helps to manage crises - Demonstrates effective strategies to deescalate and ensure safety of the client and milieu as necessary.
    • 91 - Values communication - Uses respectful, person-centered, recovery-oriented language in written and verbal interactions with clients, family members, community members, and others.
    • 92 - Values communication - Uses non-judgmental active listening skills.
    • 93 - Values communication - Clarifies their understanding of information when in doubt of the meaning.
    • 94 - Values communication - Clarifies their understanding of information when in doubt of the meaning.
    • 95 - Values communication - Conveys their point of view when working with colleagues.
    • 96 - Values communication - Documents information as required by program policies and procedures.
    • 97 - Values communication - Follows laws and rules concerning confidentiality and respects others' rights for privacy.
    • 98 - Supports collaboration and teamwork - Works together with other colleagues to enhance the provision of services and support.
    • 99 - Supports collaboration and teamwork - Works collaboratively with treatment team to ensure interventions are aligned.
    • 100 - Promotes growth and development - Recognizes the limits of their knowledge and seeks assistance from others when needed.
    • 101 - Promotes growth and development - Uses supervision (mentoring, reflection) effectively by monitoring self and relationships, preparing for meetings and engaging in problem-solving strategies with the supervisor (mentor, peer).
    • 102 - Promotes growth and development - Reflects and examines own personal motivations, judgments, and feelings that may be activated by the work, recognizing signs of distress, and knowing when to seek support.
    • 103 - Promotes growth and development - Seeks opportunities to increase knowledge and skills.
  • Foundational Skills
    • 104 - Blood borne pathogens training (includes HIV/Aids training as of June 1, 2021)
    • 105 - CPR/First Aid training
    • 106 - Placeholder 2
    • 107 - Basic computer skills
    • 108 - Understands basic knowledge of electronic Health Care Record System as relevant to the position.
    • 109 - Basic office skills: phone, printer, fax, etc.
    • 110 - Has completed de-escalation training (introductory).
    • 111 - Trauma Informed Care – Exploring Trauma and its impact on the person served (this should include components around institutional trauma and how that affects accessing care etc.)
    • 112 - Documentation 101
    • 113 - Understands the concept of whole person care.
    • 114 - Education regarding social determinates of health (as appropriate for this position).
    • 115 - Basic use of distress tolerance and other regulating skills.
    • 116 - Displays basic understanding of medication trends and uses within the SUD realm, as appropriate for this position.
    • 117 - Exhibits ability to gather information regarding medication side effects and signs/symptoms.
    • 118 - Performs basic screen on intake - temperature, blood pressure.
    • 119 - Performs urine drug screening.
    • 120 - Demonstrates adequate knowledge of general guidelines related to safety and security.
  • Nursing Assistant - Certified
    • 121 - Perform basic technical skills; take and record vital signs, assist client with various aspects of personal care
    • 122 - Demonstrate proper hygiene before patient interaction
    • 123 - CPR/First Aid training
    • 124 - Blood borne pathogens training (includes HIV/Aids training)
    • 125 - Utilizes appropriate interventions for physical mobility or transfer of clients
    • 126 - Displays professional communication with client, client's family and co-workers using alternative modes of communication when necessary
    • 127 - Understands and adheres to HIPAA regulations
    • 128 - Demonstrates infection control techniques and knowledge of precautions
    • 129 - Demonstrates knowledge of safety procedures, proper PPE usage and emergency procedures
    • 130 - Understands rules and regulations applied to Nursing Assistants
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