Cook, Restaurant

ONET: 35-2014.00






Related instructions
Classroom instruction topics
  • International Foods
  • Cooking for Special Diets
  • Dining Room
  • Sanitation & Safety
  • Food & Beverage Management
  • Culinary II Fabrication
  • Culinary Internship
  • Garde Manger
  • Capstone
  • Culinary Nutrition
  • Purchasing & Cost Control
  • Culinary Math Skills
  • Culinary I Fundamentals
  • Supervision in the Hospitality Industry
  • Fundamentals of Baking
  • Advanced Baking & Pastry
  • Menu Planning
On-the-job training
  • Culinary Basics - Program Orientation
    • Meet the Supervising Chef(s) to whom you will report.
    • Review and complete employer hiring paperwork including their specific orientation materials.
    • Discuss and understand objectives, goals, standards and apprentice responsibilities.
    • Review and be able to explain kitchen positions and function responsibilities to operate as effective team member.
    • Discuss and practice acceptable communication and customer service skills. 6. Discuss and adhere to uniform / dress code, personal hygiene, and professional conduct policies.
    • Discuss and adhere to uniform / dress code, personal hygiene, and professional conduct policies.
    • Review and adhere to employee meal/drink policy.
    • Discuss hours of operation. Identify location of time clock and review calling in sick and requesting time off process.
    • Review and adhere to personal calls and cell phone policy.
    • Identify location of employee restroom.
    • Meet and identify other staff at station you will be working with.
    • Tour working areas of stations to identify location of equipment and small wares.
    • Tour dry, refrigerated and frozen food storage areas to locate where products are stored.
    • Identify location of SDS sheets and corresponding chemical storage area.
    • Tour trash collection and disposal areas.
    • Locate first aid kit locations.
    • Locate fire extinguisher locations.
    • Locate handwashing station locations.
    • Discuss and be able to explain and use ACFEF Apprenticeship Portal requirements including; logging of hours, checking off completed Knowledge and Skill competencies, completing Skill Gallery entries, taking quizzes/tests and reviewing progress with Superv
    • Login and enter data into Apprenticeship Portal.
    • Sign Apprenticeship Agreement.
  • Knives and Standard Knife Cuts
    • Identify the main parts of a knife and explain the function of each.
    • Contrast high-carbon stainless steel blades and ceramic blades.
    • Explain why a knife with a sharp edge is safer to use than a knife with a dull edge.
    • Explain the advantage of using a knife with a granton-edge blade.
    • Differentiate between a partial tang and a rat-tail tang.
    • Explain why nonporous cutting boards are used in the professional kitchen.
    • Describe how to safely carry a knife when walking.
    • Describe how to safely pass a knife to a knife to another person.
    • Describe how knives should be stored.
    • Provide four examples of what should never be done with a knife.
    • Demonstrate how to properly grip and position a knife.
    • Identify the term used to describe the hand that is not used to hold the knife.
    • Identify the angle at which a knife blade is held against a whetstone when being sharpened.
    • Sharpen a chef's knife.
    • Explain the process of honing a knife.
    • Hone a chef's knife.
    • Describe eight types of large knives used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use a variety of large knives.
    • Describe four types of small knives used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use a variety of small knives.
    • Describe five special cutting tools used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use a variety of special cutting tools.
    • Explain why uniform knife cuts are used in the professional kitchen.
    • Describe the difference between a diagonal cut and an oblique cut.
    • Slice a root vegetable into rondelle cuts.
    • Slice a root vegetable into diagonal cuts.
    • Slice a root vegetable into oblique cuts.
    • Chiffonade a bunch of fresh greens or herbs.
    • Describe the dimensions of batonnet, julienne, and fine julienne stick cuts.
    • Slice a root vegetable into batonnets.
    • Slice a root vegetable into julienne cuts.
    • Slice a root vegetable into fine julienne cuts.
    • Describe the dimensions of large dice, medium dice, small dice, brunoise, and fine brunoise cuts.
    • Cut root vegetables into large dice.
    • Cut root vegetables into medium dice.
    • Cut root vegetables into small dice.
    • Cut root vegetables into brunoise cuts.
    • Cut root vegetables into fine brunoise cuts.
    • Contrast chopping and mincing.
    • Chop an onion.
    • Describe mincing procedures.
    • Mince shallots.
    • Mince garlic.
    • Describe fluting procedure.
    • Flute fresh button mushrooms.
    • Describe tourney procedures.
    • Tourne a root vegetable.
  • Tools and Equipment
    • List the specifications that must be met in order for equipment to be NSF certified.
    • List safety guidelines for operating and maintaining foodservice equipment.
    • Describe four basic types of cold storage units.
    • Clean and sanitize Cold Storage units.
    • Identify, describe parts, safety features, purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for preparation equipment.
    • Use, breakdown, clean, reassemble, and store Slicer.
    • Use, clean, and store Food Processor.
    • Describe types of cooking equipment found in a professional kitchen.
    • Describe purpose of a professional Kitchen Ventilation / Hood System.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Ranges.
    • Clean and sanitize Range.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Induction Cooktop.
    • Clean and sanitize Induction Cooktop.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Griddles.
    • Clean and sanitize Griddle.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Grills.
    • Clean and sanitize Grill.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Broilers.
    • Clean and sanitize Broiler.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Steamers.
    • Clean and sanitize Steamer.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Steam-Jacketed Kettles.
    • Clean and sanitize Steam-Jacketed Kettle.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Tilt Skillets.
    • Clean and sanitize Tilt Skillet.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Fryers.
    • Clean and sanitize Fryers.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Convection Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Convection Ovens.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Combi-Therm Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Combi-Therm Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Cook and Hold Ovens (Retherm Ovens).
    • Clean and sanitize Cook and Hold Oven (Retherm Oven).
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Deck Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Deck Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Rotating Rack Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Rotating Rack Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Impinger Conveyer Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Impinger Conveyer Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Smoker Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Smoker Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Infrared Ovens.
    • Clean and sanitize Infrared Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures
    • Clean and sanitize Microwave Oven.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Panini Press.
    • Clean and sanitize Panini Press.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for toasters.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for waffle irons.
    • Describe parts, safety features, purpose, and cleaning procedures for Sous Vide Machines.
    • Describe purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for a variety of Pots and Pans.
    • Clean and sanitize a variety of Pots and Pans.
    • Describe purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for a variety of Sieves and Strainers.
    • Describe purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for a variety of Scales, Thermometers and Volume Measures.
    • Describe purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for a variety of Hand Tools and Equipment.
    • Describe purpose, cleaning and storage procedures for a variety of Baking and Pastry Equipment.
    • Identify Holding and Serving Equipment.
  • Mise en Place
    • Explain what mise en place
    • Explain the importance of a prep list
    • Identify the contents of a prep list
    • Describe how to set up a workstation
    • Identify the steps to setting up a workstation.
    • Set up a station for a task
    • Define the steps in station set up
    • Identify the components of station safety and sanitation
    • Explain variety of ways to develop flavor
    • Use a method to develop flavor (dry rub, marinade, toasting nuts/spice)
  • Measuring Ingredients / Recipe Conversions
    • Explain volume measurement
    • Explain weight measurement
    • Identify the difference between volume and weight measurement
    • Explain count measurement
    • Explain US versus Metric measurements
    • Explain Recipe Yield
    • Explain Recipe Conversion
    • Describe Conversion Factor
    • Convert a large yield recipe to a smaller yield
    • Explain the steps to recipe conversion
    • Explain Baker's Percentage
    • Identify the steps in Baker's Percentage
  • Herbs, Spices, Flavorings, and Nuts
    • Explain how flavors are developed in food.
    • Identify a variety of leaf herbs.
    • Identify a variety of stem herbs.
    • Identify a variety of bark spices.
    • Identify a variety of seed spices.
    • Identify a variety of root spices.
    • Identify a variety of flower spices.
    • Identify a variety of berry spices.
    • Identify a variety of spice and herb blends.
    • Describe a variety of salts used in the professional kitchen.
    • Explain why peppercorns vary in color.
    • Explain how citrus zests, fruit juices, wines, and liquors are used in salads.
    • Identify a variety of vinegars used in a professional kitchen.
    • Explain how to select the appropriate oil to use for a given preparation.
    • Identify a variety of oils used in a professional kitchen.
    • Identify 12 common nuts used to flavor foods.
  • Cooking Techniques
    • Describe the three techniques of heat transfer used to cook food.
    • Identify three types of radiation heat transfer used to cook food.
    • Describe five reactions that change the color or texture of food.
    • Identify the two nutrients most often destroyed by heat.
    • Identify dry-heat cooking techniques.
    • Describe how to saute food
    • Define stir-frying.
    • Explain why it is important to know the smoke point of oils used for frying.
    • Describe the standard breading procedure
    • Contrast pan-frying and deep-frying.
    • Contrast roasting and baking.
    • Contrast Grilling and Griddling.
    • Describe the broiling process.
    • Identify five moist-heat cooking techniques.
    • Contrast submersion poaching and shallow poaching.
    • Describe how to simmer food.
    • Describe how to know when a liquid has reached a full boil.
    • Describe how to steam food.
    • Identify three combination cooking techniques.
    • Contrast braising and stewing.
  • Sustainability
    • Identify regularly purchased products that could be replaced with recyclable, reusable or biodegradable items.
    • Define the terms “energy efficient”.
    • Identify products appropriate for composting or recycling.
    • Define the concept of “food miles”.
    • Understand the concept of sustainable seafood, and fish that are one the red, yellow, and green lists.
    • Compare the price of non-local to local food.
    • Discuss the financial implications of recycling fats, oils and grease from the restaurant's perspective.
  • Vegetables and Fruits - Vegetable Classifications
    • Describe factors to consider when purchasing fresh vegetables.
    • Explain how acidic and alkaline ingredients affect cooked vegetables.
    • Identify common cooking methods used to cook vegetables.
    • Describe procedures for blanching vegetables.
    • Describe fresh vegetable classifications.
    • Describe root vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate Beets.
    • Prepare and plate Carrots.
    • Prepare and plate Celeriac.
    • Prepare and plate Parsnips
    • Prepare and plate Radishes
    • Prepare and plate Turnips
    • Describe tubers used in the professional kitchen.
    • Describe bulb vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare garlic.
    • Prepare leeks.
    • Prepare onions.
    • Prepare ramps.
    • Prepare scallions.
    • Prepare shallots.
    • Describe stem vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate asparagus.
    • Prepare celery.
    • Describe leaf vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate beet greens.
    • Prepare Brussels sprouts.
    • Prepare collards.
    • Prepare head cabbages.
    • Prepare and plate kale.
    • Prepare radicchio.
    • Prepare savoy cabbages.
    • Prepare spinach.
    • Describe edible flowers used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate broccoli.
    • Prepare and plate cauliflower.
    • Describe edible seed vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare green or wax beans.
    • Prepare snow peas or sugar peas.
    • Describe fruit-vegetables used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare bell peppers.
    • Prepare chiles.
    • Prepare cucumbers.
    • Prepare eggplants.
    • Prepare summer squashes.
    • Prepare sweet corn.
    • Prepare tomatoes.
    • Prepare winter squashes.
    • Describe mushrooms used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare mushrooms (as available i.e. button, portabella, etc.)
    • Explain the role of canned vegetables in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare canned vegetables.
    • Explain the role of frozen vegetables in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare frozen vegetables.
    • Explain the role of dried vegetables in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare dried vegetables.
  • Fruit Classifications
    • Describe factors to consider when purchasing fresh fruits.
    • Explain how the pectin level in fruit affects the cooking process.
    • List common methods of cooking fruit.
    • Explain why fruit is poached at 185°F
    • Differentiate between variety fruits and hybrid fruits.
    • List the nutritional benefits of eating fruit.
    • Identify common berries used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use berries in a recipe.
    • Identify three type of grapes used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use grapes in a recipe.
    • Identify pomes (apples, pears, and quinces) used in the professional kitchen.
    • Identify and describe types of apples.
    • Use apples in a recipe.
    • Identify pears used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use pears in a recipe.
    • Identify drupes (stone fruits) used in the professional kitchen.
    • Name the drupe that is harvested both for its fruit and its oil.
    • Use apricots in a recipe.
    • Use avocados in a recipe.
    • Use cherries in a recipe.
    • Use dates in a recipe.
    • Use nectarines in a recipe.
    • Use olives in a recipe.
    • Use peaches in a recipe.
    • Use plums in a recipe.
    • Identify melons used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use cantaloupe in a recipe.
    • Use honeydew melons in a recipe.
    • Use watermelons in a recipe.
    • Identify citrus fruits used in a professional kitchen.
    • Use oranges in a recipe.
    • Use lemons in a recipe.
    • Use limes in a recipe.
    • Identify tropical fruits used in the professional kitchen.
    • Use bananas in a recipe.
    • Use kiwifruit in a recipe.
    • Use pineapples in a recipe.
    • Explain the role of canned fruits in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare canned vegetables.
    • Explain the role of frozen fruits in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare frozen fruits.
    • Explain the role of dried fruits in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare dried fruit.
  • Pantry & Cold Foods - Salads and Salad Dressings
    • Define salad greens.
    • Explain how to prepare head lettuce for service.
    • Remove the core from a head of lettuce.
    • Remove the rib from loose greens.
    • Describe how to properly store salad greens.
    • Wash and store salad greens.
    • Identify a variety of salad ingredients other than greens.
    • Define and emulsion.
    • Differentiate between emulsion, a temporary emulsion and a permanent
    • Explain how to prepare a basic French vinaigrette.
    • Prepare a basic French vinaigrette.
    • Explain how to prepare an emulsified vinaigrette.
    • Prepare an emulsified vinaigrette.
    • Explain how to prepare a mayonnaise and a variety of creamy dressings.
    • Prepare mayonnaise and a variety of creamy dressings
    • Differentiate between mayonnaise-based yogurt based, and sour-cream-based cream dressings.
    • Prepare dressings for fruit salad.
    • Identify five popular salads listed on restaurant menus.
    • Name six types of salads.
    • Describe a tossed salad.
    • Prepare and plate tossed salads.
    • Describe a composed salad.
    • Prepare and plate composed salads.
    • List five tips for preparing bound salads.
    • Prepare and plate bound salads.
    • Explain why it is important to know how vegetables will react to acidity when making vegetable salads.
    • Prepare vegetable salads.
    • Explain how to prevent fruits from discoloring while making fruit salads.
    • Prepare and plate fruit salads.
    • Describe the ratio of gelatin powder to liquid used to make gelatin salads.
    • Explain why it is important to chill gelatin layers until slightly firm before combining layers.
    • Prepare and plate a gelatin salad.
  • Cheeses
    • Explain the purpose of rennet in making cheese.
    • Differentiate between curds and whey.
    • Identify four factors that determine that determine the flavor and texture of a cheese.
    • Describe nine types of fresh cheese.
    • Describe two types of soft cheese.
    • Identify three ways semisoft cheeses are ripened.
    • Describe three types of dry-rind cheese.
    • Describe four types of washed-rind cheese.
    • Describe three types of wax-rind cheese.
    • Describe four types of blue-veined cheese.
    • Describe six types of hard cheese.
    • Describe three types of grating cheese.
    • Describe cold-pack and processed cheeses.
    • Describe how to store cheese for maximum freshness.
  • Cold and Hot Sandwiches
    • Explain the importance of range of motion at a sandwich station.
    • Describe how to prepare large quantities of sandwiches.
    • Describe common ways to portion meats and cheeses at a sandwich station.
    • Identify the four main sandwich components.
    • Identify common types of sandwich bases and spreads.
    • Identify five common sandwich fillings.
    • Identify common sandwich garnishes.
    • Describe sandwich stabilizers.
    • Identify a variety of condiments, sauces and dips.
    • Prepare a variety of condiments, sauces and dips.
    • Describe various types of cold sandwiches.
    • Describe cold open-faced sandwiches
    • Prepare and plate cold open-faced sandwiches.
    • Describe cold closed sandwiches
    • Prepare cold closed sandwiches.
    • Describe cold wraps.
    • Prepare and plate cold wraps.
    • Describe four types of hot sandwiches.
    • Describe grilled sandwiches.
    • Prepare and plate grilled sandwiches.
    • Describe hot open-faced sandwiches.
    • Prepare and plate hot open-faced sandwiches.
    • Describe hot closed sandwiches.
    • Prepare and plate hot closed sandwiches.
    • Describe hot wrap sandwiches.
    • Prepare and plate hot wrap sandwiches.
  • Hors d'Oeuvres and Appetizers
    • Differentiate between hors d'oeuvres and appetizers.
    • Prepare a variety of appetizers (i.e. mozzarella sticks, battered onion rings, nachos, and Buffalo wings)
    • Prepare a crudite tray
    • Prepare a relish tray
  • Grains, Pasta, & Starch - Grain Classification & Composition
    • Identify the four parts of a whole grain.
    • Differentiate between whole grains and refined grains.
    • Explain how whole grains are cracked.
    • Name three types of refined grains.
    • Explain how grains are milled, pearled and flaked.
    • Explain the importance of storing grains in an airtight container and in a cool, dry place.
    • Explain grain cooking times.
    • Explain for to determine doneness of grains
    • Identify the temperatures at which grains should be held for service, cooled, and reheated.
    • Describe the three major classifications of rice.
    • Explain why wild rice is not actually a type of rice.
    • Prepare and plate short-grain rice (risotto).
    • Prepare and plate short-grain rice (pilaf).
    • Prepare and plate short-grain rice (risotto, pilaf, etc.).
    • Prepare and plate medium-grain rice.
    • Prepare and plate long-grain rice.
    • Prepare and plate wild rice.
    • Identify forms of corn used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare a recipe using cornmeal.
    • Prepare a recipe using grits.
    • Prepare a recipe using hominy.
    • Identify forms of wheat used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate couscous.
    • Identify forms of grains used in the professional kitchen.
    • Prepare and plate oats.
  • Pasta Classifications
    • Identify three ways pasta can be purchased.
    • Explain how pasta reacts to the cooking process.
    • Explain how to determine if pasta is cooked al dente.
    • Reheat par-cooked pasta and evaluate the results.
    • Prepare fresh pasta dough and evaluate the results.
    • Prepare dough for pasta and fabricate one shapes.
    • Describe shaped pastas.
    • Describe tube pastas.
    • Prepare and plate a tube pasta.
    • Describe ribbon pastas.
    • Prepare and plate a ribbon pasta.
    • Describe stuffed pastas.
  • Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Yams
    • Describe Market Forms of Potatoes.
    • Describe Potato Classifications.
    • Describe Procedures for Storing Fresh Potatoes
    • Explain Methods for Cooking Potatoes
    • Determine Doneness of Potatoes
    • Prepare and plate mealy, waxy or new potatoes.
    • Prepare and plate sweet potatoes and yams.
  • Beans, Pulses, and Lentils
    • Describe a variety of beans, pulses and lentils.
    • Prepare a variety of dried beans.
    • Prepare a variety of lentils.
  • Eggs & Breakfast - Eggs
    • Identify the four main parts of the egg.
    • Identify the part of the egg that contains most of the calories and all of the cholesterol.
    • Explain why eggs are considered a nutrient-dense food.
    • Describe the purpose of egg substitutes and eggless egg substitutes.
    • Explain why it is important to know if a dish contains eggs or egg derived ingredients.
    • Identify the sizes of eggs and their applications.
    • Explain how eggs are graded.
    • Explain the advantage of using pasteurized eggs.
    • Explain the proper storage of eggs
    • Explain how to prepare boiled eggs (eggs in the shell).
    • Prepare soft boiled eggs.
    • Prepare hard-boiled eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare fried eggs.
    • Select appropriate pans and explain how to fry eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare sunny-side up eggs.
    • Prepare and serve sunny-side up eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare basted eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare over-easy eggs.
    • Prepare and serve over-easy eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare over-medium eggs.
    • Prepare and serve over-medium eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare over-hard eggs.
    • Prepare and serve over-hard eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare scrambled eggs.
    • Prepare and serve scrambled eggs.
    • Describe how to hold scrambled eggs.
    • Identify rolled folded and folded omelets.
    • Prepare rolled omelets.
    • Prepare folded omelets.
    • Explain how to prepare shirred eggs.
    • Contrast the preparation of a frittata and an egg strata.
    • Prepare a frittata.
    • Prepare an egg strata.
    • Describe egg sandwiches.
    • Prepare different types of egg sandwiches and breakfast burritos.
    • Explain how to prepare a quiche.
    • Prepare a quiche.
    • Explain how to poach eggs.
    • Prepare poached eggs.
    • Explain how to prepare classical eggs Benedict.
    • Prepare classical eggs Benedict.
  • Breakfast Batters
    • Contrast the difference between scratch pancake batter and one made from a commercially prepared mix.
    • Describe the preparation of pancakes.
    • Prepare pancakes from scratch.
    • Prepare pancakes from common commercial dry mix.
    • Describe the preparation of waffles.
    • Prepare waffles from scratch.
    • Prepare waffles from a common commercial dry mix.
    • Contrast the preparation of crepes and blintzes.
    • Prepare crepes and blintzes.
    • Describe the preparation of French toast.
    • Prepare French toast.
  • Breakfast Meats
    • Identify types of breakfast meats.
    • Identify types of breakfast sausages.
    • Prepare breakfast sausage in both link and patty form.
    • Identify the form of bacon most commonly used in food service.
    • Prepare cooked bacon.
    • Identify the form of ham and Canadian bacon most commonly used in food service.
    • Prepare ham and Canadian bacon.
    • Describe how corned beef or roast beef hash is prepared. 61. Prepare corned beef or roast beef hash.
  • Breakfast Potatoes
    • Differentiate between hash browns and home fries – move to starch cookery.
    • Prepare hash browns.
    • Prepare home fries.
  • Breakfast Breads and Pastries
    • Identify a variety of common breakfast breads.
    • Toast breakfast breads.
  • Breakfast Cereals
    • Identify common hot and cold breakfast cereals.
    • Prepare old fashioned oatmeal or steel cut.
    • Prepare grits and farina.
    • Prepare granola or muesli cereals.
  • Beverages
    • Identify breakfast beverages.
    • Identify common coffee roasts.
    • Brew regular and decaffeinated coffee.
    • Name common types of tea.
    • Name different types of breakfast juices.
    • Explain how milks are classified.
    • Explain how smoothies are made.
    • Prepare a smoothie.
  • Breakfast Buffet
    • Describe how to design a breakfast buffet.
  • Stocks, Soups, and Sauces - Stocks
    • Identify the components of a stock.
    • Prepare a Mirepoix.
    • List eight guidelines for preparing stocks.
    • Describe how to prepare brown stock.
    • Prepare a brown stock
    • List the main ingredients of a white stock.
    • Prepare a white stock.
    • Describe how to prepare fish stock.
    • Explain how a fumet differs from an essence.
    • Describe how to prepare vegetable stock.
    • Prepare a vegetable stock.
    • Describe two different techniques for storing a glace.
    • Explain the primary use of a remoullage.
    • Describe a bouillon and a Court bouillon.
  • Convenience Products
    • Name the four most common forms of convenience products used to prepare stocks, soups, and sauces.
    • Prepare a stock, soup, or sauce using a base.
  • Soups
    • Name the three general classifications of soups.
    • Identify the most common garnishes used with soups.
    • Name two types of clear soups.
    • Describe the procedure for preparing broths.
    • Prepare a broth.
    • Describe the function of an oignon brüle
    • Name two types of thick soups.
    • Describe the difference between the veloute method and the roux method of preparing cream soups.
    • Prepare a cream soup using veloute method.
    • Prepare a cream soup using the roux method.
    • Describe the process for pureeing soups.
    • Prepare puree soup.
    • Describe the process for preparing chowder.
    • Prepare chowder.
    • Name three ingredients often used to thicken gumbos.
    • Prepare a Specialty Soup - French Onion
  • Sauces
    • Identify common key ingredients and flavoring components to make sauces.
    • Contrast common thickening agents used to prepare sauces.
    • Prepare a slurry using common thickening agents (flour, cornstarch, and arrowroot) to prepare sauces.
    • Describe how to prepare a roux. Contrast the different uses for white, blonde, and brown roux.
    • Prepare a white, blonde, and brown roux.
    • Describe the five classical mother sauces.
    • Describe the procedure for preparing a Bechamel sauce.
    • Prepare a Bechamel sauce.
    • Prepare a small sauce using Bechamel sauce.
    • Describe the procedure for preparing a Veloute sauce.
    • Prepare a Veloute sauce.
    • Describe the procedure for preparing an Espagnole sauce.
    • Prepare an Espagnole sauce.
    • Prepare a small sauce using Espagnole sauce (Demi-glace).
    • Describe the procedure for preparing a Tomato sauce.
    • Prepare a Tomato sauce.
    • Describe the procedure for preparing a Hollandaise sauce.
    • Prepare a Hollandaise sauce.
    • Prepare a small sauce using Hollandaise.
    • Contrast the three common types of butter sauces.
    • Describe how to prepare a compound butter.
    • Prepare a compound butter.
    • Describe how to prepare a broken butter, and explain what is meant by "broken" butter.
    • Prepare a broken butter.
    • List 3 other sauces.
    • Name the type of sauce used to supplement the flavor and volume when preparing a gravy.
    • Prepare two different types of gravies.
    • Describe three ways that a coulis can be served.
    • Prepare a coulis.
  • Poultry - Poultry Basics
    • Identify two traits that are used by the USDA to classify poultry.
    • Explain why some poultry has both light and dark flesh and some poultry has only dark flesh.
    • Explain the advantage of purchasing whole poultry.
    • Identify common fabricated cuts of poultry.
    • Define giblets located inside whole poultry.
    • Identify special precautions to follow when receiving and storing poultry.
    • Explain how frozen poultry should be thawed.
  • Fabricating Poultry
    • Describe common fabrication cuts for poultry.
    • Describe how to fabricate poultry into halves.
    • Fabricate poultry into halves.
    • Describe how to fabricate poultry into quarters.
    • Fabricate poultry into quarters.
    • Describe how to fabricate poultry into eighths.
    • Fabricate poultry into eighths.
    • Describe flavor enhancers including brining, marinades, rubs, stuffing, basting, herbs & spices
  • Cooking Techniques for Poultry
    • Define barbequing of poultry. 27. Define broiling of poultry.
    • Define grilling of poultry.
    • Define roasting of poultry.
    • Explain the four methods used to determine the doneness of poultry.
    • Name the safest method of determining the doneness of poultry.
    • Identify the internal temperature required of cooked poultry (with the exception of duck).
    • Describe how to truss whole poultry.
  • Chickens
    • Describe five classifications of chicken.
    • Prepare broiled or grilled chicken halves 36. Prepare barbeque chicken quarters or eights
    • Prepare broiled or grilled chicken eights
    • Prepare deep-fried chicken eights
    • Prepare pan-fried chicken eights
    • Prepare stir fried boneless chicken breasts
    • Prepare poached boneless chicken breast
    • Truss whole poultry.
    • Prepare whole roasted chicken
  • Turkeys
    • Describe four classifications of turkey.
    • Truss and roast a whole turkey.
    • Describe slicing and carving procedures.
    • Slice and carve cooked poultry.
  • Geese
    • Describe classifications of geese.
  • Game Birds
    • Describe classifications of quail.
    • Prepare stuffed and roasted quail
  • Meats - Beef and Veal Basics
    • Describe Market Forms of Beef.
    • Describe partial carcasses of beef.
    • Identify the eight primal cuts of beef.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from each primal cut of beef.
    • Describe market forms of veal.
    • Describe partial carcasses of veal.
    • Identify the five primal cuts of veal.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from each primal cut of veal.
    • Identify four traits to check upon receiving beef and veal.
    • Identify the temperature at which refrigerated beef and veal must be kept.
    • Explain why vacuum-sealed packages should only be opened at the time of use.
    • Describe the USDA guidelines for beef and veal.
    • Explain the significance of the USDA inspection stamp.
    • Explain why the quality grade of veal is less important than the quality grade of beef.
    • Describe common USDA quality grades of beef.
  • Fabricating Beef and Veal
    • Describe how to tenderize and grind beef and veal. 23. Tenderize beef or veal by pounding.
    • Grind fresh beef.
  • Cooking Beef and Veal
    • Describe a variety of meat flavor enhancers including basting liquids, dry and wet aging, dry and wet curing, herbs and spices, larding and barding, marinades and rubs.
    • Explain the safest way to determine the doneness of meats.
    • Identify the size of meat cuts that can be tested for doneness by the touch method.
    • Explain the purpose of tying meat for roasting.
    • Prepare and plate flat iron steak.
    • Prepare and plate braised short ribs.
    • Prepare and plate beef stew.
    • Prepare and plate grilled hamburgers, using fresh ground beef.
    • Prepare and plate braised pot roast.
    • Prepare and plate prime rib roast.
    • Prepare and plate beef ribs.
    • Prepare and plate tenderloin tips.
    • Prepare and plate strip steak to order.
    • Prepare and plate T-bone steak to order.
    • Prepare and plate steak (rare).
    • Prepare and plate steak (medium).
    • Prepare and plate steak (well done).
    • Prepare and plate flank steak.
    • Prepare and plate short ribs.
    • Prepare and plate veal cutlet.
    • Describe the importance of slicing across the grain.
    • Identify the direction of all grain on cuts of beef, veal, pork and lamb.
    • List six items required to properly set up a carving station.
  • Pork Basics
    • Identify common market forms of pork.
    • Explain the advantage of purchasing a whole carcass.
    • Identify the five primal cuts of pork.
    • Identify the cut fabricated from a picnic shoulder.
    • Identify cuts fabricated from a shoulder butt.
    • Identify cuts fabricated from a pork loin.
    • Identify cuts fabricated from a ham of pork.
    • Identify cuts fabricated from a pork belly.
    • Explain how to prepare four offals that are only fabricated from pork.
    • Identify four traits that should be checked upon receiving pork.
    • Identify the required storage temperature for refrigerated pork and for frozen pork.
    • Explain why vacuum-sealed packages of pork should only be opened at the time of use.
    • Describe the effects of irradiation on pork.
    • Describe the USDA inspection and grading of pork.
  • Fabricating Pork
    • Describe how to fabricate tenderloin from a pork loin and portion.
    • Describe how to butterfly boneless pork chops.
    • Butterfly a boneless pork chop.
  • Cooking Pork
    • Describe various styles of barbeque including Kansas City, Carolina, Memphis and Texas barbeque.
    • Describe how to smoke proteins.
    • Describe how to tie a boneless pork roast.
    • Prepare and plate picnic shoulder (i.e. pulled pork) recipe
    • Prepare and plate pork chops.
    • Prepare and plate baby back ribs.
    • Prepare and plate country style ribs.
    • Prepare and plate baked ham.
    • Prepare and plate ham steak.
  • Lamb Basics
    • Identify common market forms of lamb
    • Describe whole and partial lamb carcasses.
    • Explain the difference between a foresaddle and a hindsaddle.
    • Explain the difference between a back and a bracelet.
    • Identify the five primal cuts of lamb.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from a lamb shoulder.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from a lamb rack
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from a lamb loin.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from a leg of lamb.
    • Identify the cuts fabricated from a lamb breast.
    • Explain how to prepare lamb offal.
    • Identify four traits that should be checked upon receiving lamb.
    • Identify the required storage temperature for refrigerated lamb and frozen lamb.
    • Describe the USDA inspection and grading of lamb.
  • Fabricating Lamb
    • Describe how to separate a hotel rack.
    • Describe how to French a rack of lamb.
  • Cooking Lamb
    • Prepare and plate grilled loin.
    • Prepare and plate roast leg of lamb.
    • Prepare and plate rolled lamb roast.
  • Fish and Shellfish - Fish Basics
    • Differentiate between lean and fatty fish.
    • Describe three classifications of fish based on external shape and structure.
    • Identify types of roundfish, flatfish, and cartilaginous fish.
    • Describe the various market forms of fish.
    • Explain how fresh fish are received and stored.
    • Explain how frozen fish are received and stored.
    • Name the government organization in charge of voluntary fish inspections.
  • Cooking Fish
    • Explain cooking techniques used for preparing fish.
    • Grill fish steaks
    • Bread and pan-fry fish fillets
    • Batter and deep-fry fish fillets
  • Shellfish Basics
    • Identify three categories of shellfish.
    • Describe four types of crustaceans.
    • Describe two types of univalves.
    • Describe five types of bivalves.
    • Describe three types of cephalopods.
    • Describe various market forms of shellfish.
    • Explain how live shellfish are received and stored.
    • Describe the purpose of shellstock tag.
    • Explain how frozen shellfish are received and stored.
  • Fabricating Shellfish
    • Identify a variety of shellfish fabrication techniques.
    • Descrobe procedure for deveining shrimp.
    • Devein Shrimp.
    • Describe procedure for debearding mussels.
    • Debeard mussels.
  • Cooking Shellfish
    • Explain cooking techniques used for preparing fish.
    • Grill Shrimp or prawns
    • Saute shrimp or prawns
    • Batter and deep-fry shrimp or prawns
    • Poach and chill shrimp or prawns
    • Boil Crayfish
    • Steam or Poach Crabs
    • Pan-fry scallops
    • Bread and fry Squid
  • Baking and Pastry - Bakeshop Ingredients
    • Identify how ingredients are measured in the bakeshop,
    • Explain how two ingredients eon have the same volume but different weights.
    • Identify the protein in flour that gives a baked product structure.
    • Contrast five types of flour commonly used in the bakeshop.
    • Explain how sugars and natural sweeteners affect baked products.
    • Identify eight types of sugars and natural sweeteners used in the bakeshops.
    • Explain how fats affect baked products.
    • Explain the process of hydrogenation.
    • Differentiate between hydrogenated and hi-ratio shortenings.
    • Explain how eggs affect baked products.
    • Explain how milk and other dairy products affect baked products.
    • Explain how thickening agents affect baked products.
    • Identify five common thickening agents.
    • Explain the purpose of a leavening agent.
    • Identify five common leavening agents.
    • Identify four varieties of yeast used to leaven baked products.
    • Explain how flavorings affect baked products.
    • Identify five types of chocolate used in the bakeshop.
    • Differentiate between an extract and a flavoring emulsion.
    • Explain how a vanilla bean is added to a mixture.
    • Define seven common terms used to describe methods of combining ingredients.
  • Quick Bread Preparation (Biscuit, Muffin, Quick Bread Loaves, and Corn Bread)
    • Identify four common types of quick breads.
    • Describe three methods of mixing quick breads.
    • List guidelines for baking quick breads and checking them for doneness.
    • Explain how to cool and store quick breads.
    • Describe how to prepare biscuits.
    • Prepare biscuits.
    • Describe how to prepare muffins.
    • Prepare muffins.
    • Describe how to prepare quick bread loaves.
    • Prepare quick bread loaves.
    • Describe how to prepare corn bread.
    • Prepare corn bread.
  • Cookie Preparation
    • Describe cookie preparation.
    • Describe the creaming method of mixing cake batters.
    • Describe the sponge method of mixing cake batters.
    • Identify six types of cookie preparation.
    • Describe process for cooling and storing cookies.
    • Prepare cookies using drop method.
    • Prepare cookies using rolled method.
    • Prepare cookies using the following methods: bar or molded.
  • Convenience Pre-Prepared Baking and Pastry Products
    • Identify and select frozen pre-prepared baked goods and pastry products.
    • Bake pre-prepared convenience baked goods and pastries.
    • Prep and plate re-prepared convenience cakes, pies and desserts.
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